Family Ties - Chapter 27 - albwtw (2024)

Chapter Text


“Good morning,” his mother greets as she joins them from the other loft. They are all sat at the table, finishing their breakfast, listening to Diana chatter and Nick pointedly not looking at the time or his phone. He’s not quite ready to step away from this moment, nor the two ladies he’s currently with.

“Nana Kelly!” Diana replies with a grin and the older Grimm drops into the chair next to her. Adalind gets up with the offer of getting her a cup of coffee as she refills her own.

“How did last night go?” Nick asks with a pointed look.

“I have some new leads to follow,” his mother replies. “His address wasn’t hard to find and then I followed him to a hotel, where he stayed for several hours before leaving. I didn’t see him with anyone else but he didn’t have a key, so it was someone else’s room that he was let into.”

“Which hotel was it?” Nick asks and takes note of her answer. “I can make enquiries and check hotel records available to see if anyone linked to captain is staying there.” She nods and accepts the freshly made drink from Adalind as she re-joins them.

“Good, the more we know of his movements and who he’s spending his time with, the better prepared we’ll be.” She comments. Diana then distracts them with a request for another drink and Adalind is back up on her feet to help her daughter.

“Will you be continuing to do similar recon?” He asks and she grins.

“Oh, yes,” she confirms. “I’ll be his new shadow.”

“Please be careful,” Adalind says as she joins them back at the table again. “Sean is very well connected and won’t take any action he sees as a threat towards him lightly.”

“Daddy Sean?” Diana suddenly asks and all the adults share a look.

“Yes, your daddy Sean,“ his mother replies. “Nana wants to make sure everyone is safe so I need to do some things to help your daddy, but before that, right now, Nana needs some breakfast.” Diana giggles at that, slightly theatrical, statement and Adalind jumps to her feet again but Nick catches her arm as she goes past him.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“To get your mom some breakfast?” She looks confused, and quite cute, and he gives her a gentle squeeze.

“I’m sure my mom is capable enough to get what she wants to eat herself,” he says. He looks towards the woman in question, who nods, and then pulls Adalind back to the table as his mother gets up.

“Ok,” she replies hesitantly and just as he opens his mouth to ask her why she’s so jumpy, and if it has anything to do with him, or last night, his phone goes off.

“Burkhardt,” he answers and for some reason it makes Diana giggle. He shares a fond look with the little girl while listening to the voice on the other end of the call.

“Hey, we got another Jack case,” Wu greets him with.

“What? Where?” Wu quickly gives him the details and Nick sighs. “I can be there in 20?” They end the call and he turns to see three pairs of eyes watching him.

“I have to go in,” Nick states and both women nod in understanding but Diana frowns.

“My Nick, go?” She asks with a wobble in her voice.

“I’m not going, as in go, I have to go to work,” he tries to explain, remembering what happened last time Diana got upset at his departure. The little girl tilts her head towards him.


“Yes, honey, you know how Nana Kelly and Nick help keep us safe?” Adalind jumps in. “Well, Nick has a job that does that too. When his phone rings, that’s someone asking for his help. So, he goes to help them, but he lives here so will come back here. He won’t be gone long.”

“Little go?” Diana clarifies and he nods.

“Just a little go, but I’ll come back to all of you.” He gets a smile then and a nod before she turns back to the food still on her plate. He shoots a look at Adalind who smiles back at him before turning to his mother.

“What are your plans today?”

“Mostly stay here, I think,” she replies. “If we do go out, I think the only place we’d go is back to Henrietta’s.”

“Keep me informed,” he orders as he stands up. “I can meet you there after work?”

“We’ll let you know where we are and when,” his mother agrees and he pushes back from the table, heading towards the gun safe he got that is also being used as a coat rack on one side.

“Nick, if possible, could you pick something up for me?” Adalind asks and he pauses as he pulls his jacket on. He looks towards her and she continues, looking nervous. “I need a Birth Certificate Request letter.” Her words get his mother’s attention too and they both look at her, making her sigh.

“Sean’s words got me thinking, and worrying, and it’s made me realise that I have nothing legal to prove who Diana is. She was born in a cabin in the woods in middle of who knows where Austria and then we were both smuggled into the U.S. If anything were to happen, legally she would potentially be considered an alien and could face any number of actions against her. This could then also be used against me, like what Sean implied. I might not be a family court lawyer but I do remember some of my studies on it. If I can send the request in, and fudge some of the details, then I can put legal protections in place for her, as well as us as a family.” Adalind’s words speed up slightly as she talks but he understands her and her worries. That had been a particularly low blow from the captain, especially given his position within the law that he could use against them, and if there’s a way for them to close that off from him, then he’s all for it.

“Won’t that create a paper trail that could be used to track you?” Nick asks as he thinks the action through.

“Possibly, but these requests can be sent in, in any county, as long as there is a family tie. I can state that it is being placed here as Portland was, and I still consider it, my home state. I don’t have to declare her place of residence at this stage of filing, just who she is and who I am, in connection with her.” Adalind explains and he nods.

“I’ll pick it up,” he agrees and sees her sigh in relief, offering him a bright smile in thanks. He takes a step closer, their eyes locked, but Diana calls her attention away and they share a look before he backs up to the elevator and leaves.

Her words get him thinking of his own legal situations and that he should check in with Juliette, first to see how she is but then to check on the status of her own house search and how they are going to move forward with the house. And to check his own policies, regarding what happens and where what goes if anything were to occur to him. Not the most positive thoughts to start the day with but he’s aware he’s stepping into a new direction, one that involves a child he wants nothing but the best for, so if that means he has to start thinking of what ifs, then that’s what he’ll do.

The crime scene shows a body in a now too-familiar state, throat cut and abdomen pierced, and with the body placement by water it really is starting to look, and feel like, déjà vu. The press is all over them, getting as close to the scene as possible and filming everything and Nick can’t even spare a minute to scan the crowd like before without being called to focus on something else. He does manage to get the names of all the press involved, and at the scene, and resolves to go through the footage again to see if needed.

They’re all called into an immediate meeting once they get back to the precinct and captain is in an obvious mood as he talks through what needs to be done and where everyone’s focus should be. Running through the cases so far, and what little evidence they have, shows this is becoming something very big and emphasis is put on this being the case to solve. Everyone can sense the captain’s emotions on this one, but only Nick, and possibly Hank and Wu, can really understand the reasoning behind it, knowing as they do the captains’ real involvement. He’s not surprised when he’s motioned into the captain’s office as the main meeting breaks up and he gestures for his partner and Sargeant to come with him.

“I think I’m safe to assume you told these two about my experience with the previous murders?” The captain starts and Nick nods. “Good, I need all of you focused on this. Not only is the mayor’s office hounding me, alongside numerous members of the press, but we know the real culprit for this has been eliminated. I want this copycat found and eviscerated through every possible means, understood?”

“Yes sir,” Wu responds as he and Hank nod. The caption returns the gesture before motioning for them to leave. Wu opens the door as Hank walks out first with Nick right behind him.

“Nick,” the captain calls him and he falls back to look at the other man. “I just wanted to say, I have no interest bringing other … outside factors into the workplace. I think it’s fair to say we’ve worked well together so far. We focus on the cases and share information when appropriate. Any other matter or anything else can be discussed outside of work.” He shoots him a pointed look and Nick nods.

“Understood captain,” he replies. “I can do my job and respect the role you hold in this office, while we’re in this office.” His words are deliberate and they hold each other’s gaze for a moment before the captain finally dips his head and Nick nods, both gestures conveying their understanding of each’s feeling in the situation. A knock at the door comes and Nick steps back as Franco enters after receiving a wave from the captain.

“The files you requested?” He holds out and the other man grins.

“Thank you, Franco. And thank you Nick.” He takes that as the dismissive it is and leaves as Franco does. He walks quickly out, shutting the door behind him and already seeing captain on the phone by the time he’s back at his desk.

“Everything ok?” Hank asks and he shrugs.

“Apparently we’re going to leave our other situation at the door and continue to work together as before,” he replies and Hank looks on disbelievingly. “Yeah, I’m not sure that’s going to work either but that’s the direction he wants to go and I’m fine going along with it, for now. If it means we can keep an eye on each other, so be it. I’d rather have him closer where we can keep track of him.”

“That I agree with,” Hank concurs.

“Speaking of that situation, I’d like it, if you’re willing, for you to meet the ah, new arrivals that I know.” He’s watching his friend so sees his face blanche. “I know you don’t have the best history with her-“

“The best?” Hank interrupts. “If she’d used normal means, I’d have had her arrested for what she did to me.”

“And I get that, I really do, I just …” he trails off, looking around and then sliding closer to his friend on his chair. “She’s not that person anymore and there was a lot more going on at the time then we knew about, than I knew about. I’m not asking you to forgive or forget, I respect that’s your choice to make. Just meet the woman I know, now, and see what she’s like? One meeting is all I ask, if after that you don’t want to be anywhere near her, I’ll understand and do my best to make it happen.” Hank sighs and looks away for a moment before glancing back at him.

“You really believe all that? That she’s different and wouldn’t do those kinds of things again?”

“I do,” he states, trying to put as much conviction in his words as possible.

“Then I’ll give her a chance,” Hank responds. “Just the one though so you better make sure you set this meeting up right.”

“What meeting?” Wu asks as he joins them and Nick glances around again before repeating his earlier words. The Sargant look intrigues, shooting a look at Hank, before also agreeing to the idea.

“I’ll set it up,” he states. “Probably best if you meet Henrietta too,” he comments as he slides back to his desk.

“Well, this’ll be interesting,” Wu quips and Hank nods. Nick looks at both men, people he considers close friends, and feels grateful for them, and all they’re gone through as he discovered what he was and all that that entailed.

Settling back into work routine they discuss next steps for the case and he uses the search engines available to him to look up the hotel his mother mentioned, as well as research where he can get the requested forms for Adalind. He wants to be able to help with both, and get a plan in place for their next steps in keeping Diana, and everyone around her, safe.


Adalind watches as Diana settles into the sofa by the bookcase, pulling a book onto her lap. She’s fairly confident her daughter can’t read just yet, though she is showing recognition of some words and that alone is scary. It’s far above where she should be developmentally and makes her think again of her worries for her daughter and what they can do to help her. They’ve spent some time with Kelly already, practising their ‘exercises’ and now have given the young girl some down time to choose what she wants to do. Obviously, she’s picked up a book and Adalind can predict when she’ll be called over to start reading it to her.

“Were you serious about us going to see Henrietta today?” She asks Kelly.

“Yes, I was,” she replies. “I think we still need more answers and she’s our best bet at getting them. Plus, she might have some more insight into Diana’s extended family and if I need to pop out, I don’t want to leave the two of you alone.”

“You’re ok leaving us with Henrietta?” She asks and Kelly grimaces slightly.

“I think she’s proven her trustworthiness,” she says, albeit slowly. “And this is only if I have to go somewhere, otherwise I’ll be right there with you, and her.”

“Ok, I’ll get Diana dressed more appropriately,” she says and calls to her daughter.

Henrietta greets them warmly and Diana goes happily to her, giving her a hug and chattering away. Adalind watches as the two walk ahead of them and she follows with Kelly as they all settle into the sunroom at the back of the house, taking advantage of the brighter weather Portland is experiencing that day.

“I thought we could do some magic today,” Henrietta says, immediately getting Diana’s attention. “I have some spells that I think would be useful for you to know.”

“Like what?” Kelly questions.

“Similar to those I have mentioned before, such as teaching Adalind the cloaking spell I have cast on your vehicles and some other protection aids. Also, to teach Diana an awareness of her energy levels as she is using her powers, so she potentially does not tire herself out when using them.” Henrietta explains and they both nod.

“That sounds good,” Adalind agrees and turns to her daughter, explaining the magic they are going to do and how they will start with connecting.

Settling down onto the floor, the spot warm from the sunlight, Diana snuggles in close and Adalind holds her hand, while stretching the other out for Henrietta. She also takes Diana’s other hand and they form a trifecta between them. Sinking into the familiar connection, Adalind welcomes the rush of warmth and affection from her daughter, echoing it back to her. as well as the heavier sensation of power Henrietta brings. Diana settles quickly this time, perhaps also noting the similarities and feelings within the connection, and her magic remains steady as they form the link and guide her through the magic inside her. Adalind uses her own feelings to try to emphasise the sensations of magic usage, and how it might feel when getting tired and how to slowly disengage and come back out of the magic link.

They repeat it several times before Henrietta picks up and shows them another sensation, forming on the edges of her mind, and it reminds Adalind of how she can feel Nick approaching sometimes. They come out of the link as the door bell chimes and Henrietta asks Kelly to let Elizabeth inside. The Grimm only hesitates for her nod of agreement before moving from the room and then reappearing a few moments later, with the older Hexenbiest behind her.

“Good day to you all,” she greets and Diana pops up from her place beside Adalind to run to her grandmother.

“Grandma Lizbeth!” She hugs her legs and then steps back as Elizabeth lowers herself down to give the child a proper, full hug.

“It is good to see you again, my dear child, I hope you are well?” She smiles at Diana but looks up at Adalind, her words meant for both of them.

“Do magic, grandma Lizbeth!” Diana pulls her towards where she and Henrietta still sit.

“We were just teaching Diana about sensing, and her own magic levels,” Adalind explains and gets a nod of understanding. “Would you wish to join us?”

“Thank you for the offer, but no, I am finding it increasingly hard to do such things and wish to conserve as much as my energies as possible, for the time I have left.” Elizabeth explains and Henrietta rises to her feet.

“Then perhaps we should move this to the sitting room, where we can all sit and be comfortable.” Adalind thinks she’s heard that sentence from Henrietta too many times now and that the level ofn comfort in the chairs, as soft and nice to sit in as they are, has done nothing to help with the situation often being discussed. Still, she moves with the rest of them, answering Elizabeth’s questions as they go and explaining the ways they are trying to help protect Diana, as well as teach her to do so for herself, though she does not mention Nick’s involvement, or the current concealment charm still cast over her daughter. Adalind settles into a chair near the older Hexenbiest, so Diana can sit between them. Elizabeth looks from Diana to Adalind, then between Henrietta and Kelly before turning back to her, her gaze heavy with some inner feeling.

“I did what I had to, to protect my son.” She starts, voice low. “He was what I thought of, even as others around me questioned and provoked. And because of that, I have been able to watch him grow, perhaps not into the man I once thought but still into a man, my son.” She leans forward and cups Adalind’s cheek, hands soft and chilly against her skin. “You do what you have to, what needs to be done to protect your daughter. Sharing blood does not always mean that a person is right for the role that action has given them. I need only look to the man who sired my son to provide evidence of that. And, I love my son but I am under no illusion as to who he is. Protect your child.” She ends her words with a nod and then rests back as Adalind gapes at her.

“Uh, thank you?” She stutters out and Elizabeth wheezes out a laugh.

“I should thank you,” she replies. “Now I can move on, knowing I have a granddaughter who will be raised in ways similar to my own and surrounded by people who truly love her, for all that she is.”

“Move on?” Diana parrots and looks up between all the adults. Adalind shoots a look at Elizabeth who smiles, somewhat grimly, but does not shy away from the question.

“Yes, dear child, soon I will move on to the next plane of existence.” The confusion on Diana’s face deepens and she turns to Adalind. She pulls her daughter up onto her lap, angling her so she can see both herself and Elizabeth.

“Honey, do you remember how we talked about magic, and how sometimes it can be really tiring to use?” Adalind starts slowly and her little girl nods. “Well, sometimes, it can happen that our magic, when we cast a really big, important spell, it makes us really, really tired and then the magic itself is tired and so lessens and that leaves us in a body that can’t get enough rest. And, sometimes, we don’t get our magic back which makes our bodies weaker and more tired. So, the body prepares to rest all the time and so, move on.” She rambles through, trying to think of a way to explain all that’s happening alongside what Diana might be able to sense. There are so many things they are having to discuss with her that are far above her age, though possibly not her understanding, and it makes her worries increase. She hopes she’s explaining this right and whether she needs to just come out and say that Elizabeth is dying.

“Tired?” Diana asks, shifting to face Elizabeth more directly. The older woman smiles and reaches forward to pat her granddaughter’s shoulder.

“Very tired,” she agrees. “My magic and my life are linked together very intrinsically, as one grows weary and fades from me, so does the other.” Diana blinks rapidly at that.

“Magic? Tired magic?” She tilts her head to one side before reaching up to grip the hand that still cups her shoulder, eyes focused on her grandmother. Adalind shifts under her daughter, bringing a hand up to curl around her back to keep her safely balanced and she sees as Diana’s eyes take on that purple glow.

“Diana,” she calls but then feels the shift in her senses, where she normally feels her daughter’s warmth and power, flare up and that her daughter is getting too hot, too quickly.

“Adalind,” Henrietta starts but she grabs hold of Diana’s free hand and forms her own connection with her daughter, just as she knows they all feel the air around the room spark and fill with magic. She is hit with a wave of heat from their link and struggles to sense where Diana is in the building maelstrom of power inside her. Elizabeth is a faint presence, on her periphery but not her focus as she puts all her concentration on linking to Diana, to finding and helping her little girl. She feels a swell of magic inside and around her, and how it’s pushed in a direction, but that it’s too much, too big, and it just swirls out of control. It builds and builds and Diana can’t control it and she can barely keep her connection to her daughter as what’s inside her begins to battle them all. Another push comes, towards Elizabeth’s presence, and suddenly Adalind realises what Diana is trying to do, to give the older witch some magic so she is no longer tired. But the push is too much, not true enough in the intention behind it, or ability, and the sense of Elizabeth fades from her feelings and all that is left is the loose thread of that lost connection, as well as the tenuous one she still holds towards her daughter and the mounting swirl of power that now has nowhere to go.

It builds and crests, waves of magic ebbing and flowing like the tide, but coming back stronger and she feels herself start to be pulled down, overwhelmed with it all and still constantly seeking Diana. The weight of it drags, she feels her limbs strain with it and she cries out, throat sore, as she desperately fights to get above and out of the wild magic.

Adalind puts everything she has into their connection, her whole concentration and every drop of love she holds for her daughter. The brightness of the magic begins to burn her eyes and burn her lungs but she fights it, using her own magic to try to soothe and form a path to her daughter, some form of life-line towards her, trapped inside the eye of all the swirling power. The thread that she used before, that links her and Diana and a third, spins past and she grasps at it, feeling a tingle of power that helps shore up her own and she pulls from deep inside her to reach Diana. For a moment, nothing seems to happen and the magic begins to overwhelm her once more. Then the thread helps, pulses with strength and its own power, and it wraps around them and realigns their magical senses, their link solidifying and the storm around them begins to fade. The light dims, the heat cools and she can feel all that power sink into the core of her daughter once more, calm again but throbbing slightly, as if ticking like a pre-set time bomb.

With a gasp she opens her eyes, lying on the floor next to Diana. She blinks rapidly, hearing her name being called from far away, but feeling so heavy and so very tired, Adalind has just enough strength to focus her eyes and see her daughter’s chest move in a deep inhale before exhaustion washes over her and then her eyes fall shut into darkness.

Then there is nothing but darkness.

Darkness is all she knows, is all that surrounds her, until a swirl of colour comes. Then another. A spark of magic that turns into a current that hums around her. Settles onto her skin like a gentle caress. The darkness lightens into a hazy landscape, with muted colours all around. She knows this place, feels comfortable here.

“Adalind.” His voice rumbles through her, deep and strong, and she turns to see Nick behind her. He seems to almost glow, in this space with an indistinct colour around him but she doesn’t care, moving forward to throw her arms around him. He accepts the embrace easily, his own arms wrapping tight around her and squeezing.

“Nick,” she breathes as she feels that tingle of magic and it soothes something inside her.

“Are you ok? What happened?” He murmurs into her ear and his words take a moment to penetrate before she pulls back with a gasp.

“Diana,” she cries out with a sob and his hands come up to cup her face.

“She’s ok, she’s still asleep,” he reassures, thumbs wiping the wetness from her cheeks and she frowns up at him in confusion. “I felt ... whatever that was … I felt it. It didn’t feel good but I couldn’t get here in time to help. I’m here, Adalind. I’m with you, right now. We tried but you weren’t waking up and I couldn’t wake you so I thought I’d try this.” He explains, fingers stroking her now dry cheeks gently and sending tingles of magic through her.

“You’re here?” She asks quietly.

“I’m here,” he repeats.

“Nick,” she breathes out and then pushes forward to bury her head in his shoulder. His arms wrap around her once more and she just breathes, soaking up the warmth and strength of him. A hand threads through her hair before he pulls her back slightly then dips his head to kiss her, soft at first then lips fusing with her own as it builds in intensity. They pull apart with a gasp and she sees the colours swirl around them in familiar patterns.

“Wake up, Adalind,” he says and she blinks. “Wake up.” Everything shifts around her, her body not feeling what she thinks it should yet a weight around her head ties her to reality, a presence she recognises close by. She takes a slow, deliberate breath, thinking of using her senses to scan the room but still feeling so tired. Blinking sluggishly, Adalind opens her eyes to see Nick hovering over her, his hand threaded through her hair.

“Adalind,” he breathes out and she blinks some more before everything comes rushing back to her.

“Diana,” she gasps out, sitting up and pulling away from Nick, glancing around frantically for her daughter.

“She’s here,” Kelly says from behind her and she turns to see her little girls’ blond head on the sofa, the rest of her covered by a blanket. “She’s still asleep.” Adalind tries to stand but weaves and lists to the side as her limbs seem to have no energy and Nick catches her as she sways.

“Hey, careful,” he admonishes gently and she leans into him gratefully.

“What happened?” She murmurs and looks up as Henreitta steps into her line of sight, offering her a mug of steaming liquid.

“This is the same healing elixir I gave to you after the last time you experienced this, I hope it helps,” she states and Adalind accepts the drink gratefully. She tries to hide how her hands shake but then feels Nick shift so he kneels at her back, a solid presence that provides support she can lean on.

“What happened?” She repeats and sees the others share glances.

“We were hoping you could tell us,” Kelly replies and she looks down, trying to piece together the moments of the day.

“We came to visit you,” she starts, looking at Henrietta. “Then Elizabeth came …” she trails off, realising that the other Hexenbiest is not in the room with them anymore.

“She is in the bedroom, resting,” Henreitta supplies and Adalind nods, taking a sip before continuing.

“We were talking to her, and I was trying to tell Diana that she was dying, but I got it wrong, said it wrong, and she then tried to give magic to Elizabeth, to help her. But it didn’t work, and then she couldn’t control her magic and I ... I felt … it was too much; I was losing her and I …” She shakes her head then, feeling her throat clog up at the remembered sensations.

“A noble intention but not the way her magic works,” Henrietta says softly. “Your daughter is incredibly special and powerful, but still a child. She could not know that it would not work and with her abilities, her loss of control is understandable. You did well to bring you both out of it.” She praises Adalind but she shakes her head in reaction to the words.

“I’m not sure I did,” she confesses. “Something, some power helped us.” She looks around them, to see Henrietta’s confused face and Nick’s worried one before reaching Kelly’s eyes.

“You did it,” the older Grimm confirms. “You helped your daughter when she needed it, and then Nicky helped you both.” They all turn to look at the brunette then. “It happened the last time too, Nicky was able to touch you when you were levitating with the power of it all. We’re seen that both yours, and Diana’s, magic accepts his presence. When she made the two of you disappear Nicky could see you and then was included in that. You share dreams together. And we were still trying to wake you from what happened, had barely begun to think to call for help when he turned up here, already knowing something was wrong.”

“I sensed your entanglement the moment I met you,” Henrietta observes and silence settles around them as they all think of what has just been said and the two older women stare at the younger couple. She herself had wondered about their connection, how they had their dreams and all the sensations they seemed to share. Thinking of their night together, she had never experienced anything like that before. But there had always been something else to focus on, Diana primarily, and now, it felt too close and intimate to discuss, especially if others were to pick it apart. It was theirs and she didn’t want to do anything that could make her lose it, or lose him.

“Ok, that’s all interesting but it doesn’t help with what just happened with Diana and Adalind,” Nick points out and she’s grateful for the shift of focus off of them, however temporary it might be. Thinks he might feel the same way, about that being just between the two of them.

“She was trying to help Elizabeth but it didn’t work and then the magic got too much for her,” she says quietly.

“Then it is as we have previously discussed,” Henrietta states. “Your daughter’s control over the sheer amount of magic inside her is weakening, and if it no longer responds to her, or your own influence with her, then it will become a danger to all.”

“What can we do?” Kelly asks, all practical words even as she looks worried.

“I believe I have mentioned binding her powers, or at least one of the spirits inside her. I still hold that this would be the best course of action, in protecting Diana and everyone around her.” Henrietta replies and Adalind sighs. She leans into Nick for a moment, squeezing the thigh that is helping prop her up, before moving forward, waving away his assistance and shuffling to her feet before going to Diana. Kelly shifts so she can sit next to her still sleeping daughter and she gently strokes her hair. She feels Nick as he comes to stand behind her and she looks up to him.

“What do you think?” She asks quietly and he grimaces.

“I don’t know,” he replies. “I’ve seen some instances, and heard about more, of Wesen children growing up and struggling as they come into their abilities. Diana already has hers and is showing, as adept as she can be using some of them, that they can also be too much for her. Seeing you go through that magic exchange, hearing both of you scream and cry, and seeing how you are after … I think I said it was intense before and it is that, but it’s also scary and … kind of chilling. And having no way to help, other than being physically present and even then, it’s a battle to stay close to you … I don’t know if that’s something we can continue to do, without something going wrong … or someone getting hurt.” Nick’s words settle into the room and she sees Kelly nod along, feels her own fear flare up with what he is saying. And it is true, it is a battle for her too, to hang onto her daughter, their connection, and not let the power inside her take over.

“If we were to bind her …” she trails off.

“It would not harm her,” Henrietta jumps in. “There may be an adjustment period for her, but she would still have some of her abilities, perhaps even most. We would just be ensuring that the power inside her was manageable, that it could not overwhelm her, ever again.” She must look overwhelmed herself because the older Hexenbiest steps towards her and gently touches her hair. “Think on it but first, finish your elixir and then rest. It has been, as Nicholas says, an intense afternoon for you and no decision needs to be made right at this moment.” Adalind nods and brings the cup up to her lips, drinking down the lukewarm liquid as she turns back to gaze at her daughter. She sees her chest moving as she breathes and can see her eyelids fluttering slightly, hopefully from having happy dreams.

Henrietta and Kelly start a conversation about the binding, and what the Hexenbiest knows about it being done previously. Adalind knows she should be paying attention to it, especially when Henrietta offers for them to look at the books she has on the subject, but she still feels slightly shaky and all she wants is to sit here and just be with her daughter. The two older women leave the room and silence settles over them before Nick shifts and she looks up at him. His face seems tired, lined with worry, and she lifts a hand towards him so they can link their fingers together.

“Are you ok?” She asks and he sighs.

“I’ve not felt anything like that before,” he starts. “It started like this awareness, or feeling of something building or coming … And I knew, absolutely knew, it was to do with you and that you were in trouble. Diana too. I zoned out of everything, I can’t even tell you how I got here, I just moved with all my focus being on getting to you. It felt similar too …” He blanches and looks away, voice trailing off but Adalind understands.

“You came to help us,” she says quietly. “If you’re worried about being in your uh, other frame of mind, or spirit, then I understand but you came when you sensed something was wrong and when you were here, you did nothing but help me, help us.” She squeezes his hand gently. “When you woke me up, both in our dream and in reality, it was you. All I saw was you. If this other part of you was present, then you used it for your own means, to get you here, but it didn’t control your actions or put any of us in danger.” He nods and then they both turn as Diana shifts in her sleep, watching to see if she wakes. When she settles down Nick leans to stroke a hand through her hair before shifting to press a kiss onto her own head. The action is comforting and she leans back into him.

“What are we going to do?” She asks in a whisper then tenses, as the full meaning of how her words could be taken hits her. “I, uh, mean-“

“I know what you meant,” he interrupts gently. “And I’m happy to answer that question, in that way and … the other. We said when we started this that it should be about us, the two of us. And while that’s true, from the start there’s also been a third who’s been just as involved. Diana. I care about both of you, so much, and if you’re happy for me to have a place in both of your lives, then I will do everything I can to support and protect you, care for you and see you both being happy.” Their eyes lock and she feels a deep wave of true affection for the man beside her rise up inside. That they’ve ended here, no one could have predicted, but she can’t deny her own feelings on the matter. How her hopes and dreams are filled with images of building a happy family, with her daughter and this man. Of having a true relationship, built on trust and honest emotion, and making a life together.

“You make both of us happy,” she starts softly and gets a bright smile from him. He leans in closer but then pauses and looks to the door a moment before it opens and Elizabeth shuffles inside.

“I heard what happened, are you both alright?” She looks from Adalind and Diana to Nick then back to her granddaughter again.

“We’re ok,” Adalind replies as the older woman comes closer. “How are you?”

“Never mind about me, I am so sorry this happened. I did not intend for-“

“I know,” she interrupts. “Nobody intended for anything like that to happen, not me or Diana. She wanted to help her grandmother, that’s all. That the magic got too much, well, that is something we will work on to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Elizabeth nods along with her before coming to settle on the chair beside her and Nick rises to his feet.

“I’m just going to check on the others,” he says, giving her hand a stroke with his thumb before letting go. She can’t help but watch as he leaves then meets Elizabeth’s knowing eyes. Adalind feels a blush erupt on her cheeks but it fades quickly the more she takes in how the other woman looks.

“Are you sure you are alright?” She asks, seeing how pale she is and the deep lines on her face.

“My granddaughter tried to help me, the fact that I experienced some backlash is neither here nor there,” Elizabeth waves her concerns away. “No, I wish to speak with you on a different matter right now.”

“Ok,” Adalind agrees slowly, glancing down at Diana then back up to her daughter’s grandmother.

“I wanted to thank you, again,” Elizabeth starts, voice slightly hoarse. “For letting me meet my granddaughter.”

“I’m glad we did,” Adalind replies truthfully, glad her previous fears towards this woman were wrong. “And I will make sure she remembers you.”

“That is kind,” Elizabeth coughs. “I wish to leave her, and yourself, some items in my will. Some have been useful to me as a Hexenbiest and others are small, mementos really, that have come to mind now that I have spent time with you both. I believe you will both enjoy the books I have in my possession, that will be left to you.”

“Oh, we couldn’t take-”

“You are not taking; it is my gift to you. It would please me greatly to know that they will continue to be used and respected by fellow Hexenbiests.” She shakes her head slightly. “Sean has never truly understood the gifts we possess and as such, these items would be wasted on him. He will have his own inheritance, but these I wish to leave to you, and Diana.”

“Oh, thank you,” Adalind breathes out, aware that some of these items might be powerful ones indeed. Elizabeth comes from a long line of Hexenbiest, known in many Wesen circles, and to be included in such heritage is an honour most would appreciate highly, and others would kill for. “I will always tell her where they have come from and who gave them to her.”

“To you both, dear. I am reassured my granddaughter will be raised in a loving, supportive environment.” She smiles at Adalind and then looks up as Nick re-enters the room.

“Oh, sorry, I’ll just go,” he gestures, clearly taking in the somewhat serious atmosphere but Elizabeth waves him closer.

“No, no, I had something I wished to say to you too.” She smiles softly which them morphs into a grin when he comes to a stop right next to Adalind. “I was just discussing my will and I would like you to know I have left a few items with instructions for them to come to you,” Nick looks surprised at this. “I hope you’ll find them useful.”

“Ah, thank you,” Nick replies, voice unsure.

“And I must reiterate my thanks to you, to both of you, for all that you have done for me, in these last few days. I know it took a fair amount of courage to allow these events to happen and I am most grateful you did. Meeting my granddaughter, seeing Diana has truly been a highlight of my life. But, furthermore, you have shown me the start of something truly special.” She leans back, shifting in her chair to get more comfortable before gesturing between the two of them and Nick and Adalind share a look.

“My son has often talked about the way the world is, and how he believes the way it should be. I agree with some of this, but not necessarily the methods he chooses to use to create the opportunities needed to move forward. Seeing the two of you, witnessing the growing bond between you and all that it could lead to … it has been delightful. Sean might talk the talk but you, the two of you together, have a true chance to change this world. Leading by example, showing how life can be, rather than giving orders from on high … you could truly lead us into a better future and I am so happy I got a glimpse of it.” She leans forward then, grasping both of their hands and squeezing them together and Adalind feels a tingle of magic pass through from the contact. Elizabeth’s blue eyes lock on her own and she feels a beat of power from the other Hexenbiest. “I revise what I said before … Protect your family.” She squeezes again, weaker this time, before rising to her feet. She waves away Nick’s offer of assistance when she sways, standing not quite at her full height, and limps out of the room, leaving them there, still holding hands.

They stare at the closed door, then at each other for a moment, her last words sinking in, as well as what they had been talking about just before, and then Adalind can’t help but surge forward, gripping tight to Nick’s hand as he meets her in a heated kiss.

Pulling apart, she gasps as he stares into her eyes, a slight smile curling the edge of his lips.

“Family,” he whispers and she smiles back as she leans forward to rest her forehead on his.

“Family,” she agrees and sinks into his embrace once more.


Looking at his phone, and the message from his mother, Sean leans back as he considers his next move. The first meeting had not gone as planned, though he has to admit his mother did have a point at his treatment of Diana. What a name, Diana. Still, he had met his child and had to acknowledge she was very much a child, even with the advancement, and he would need to adjust his approach in order to gain a relationship with her and show the others he meant no threat to her, or them.

Which he truly didn’t. He only wanted the best for her, and in so build a way forward for the rest of them that could only help all Wesen, the world over. Under his direction, Diana could thrive and Adalind, for he recognised that she would need to stay with her daughter, would have the life she had once been on track for, and that he knew her mother had often talked about. And he would be head of the household, the figure of authority that their world needed as well as what his family had denied him for so long.

Responding to the message, he tries to think of all the angles and knows what he needs to do next. This call will not be easy but needs to be done regardless.

“I have another meeting with my daughter,” Sean states into the phone as soon as it connects. “This needs to go smoothly in order for me to gain information about their location and schedule so we may move ahead with our plans.”

“Your point being?” Comes the curt reply and he can feel his lip curl with irritation at the smug voice.

“If they notice I have a tail following me then there are going to be questions and suspicion, none of which helps us, so if you would kindly call your men off of their guard duty over me, I can move us forward in our plans.” His own words come out curt, even as he tries for polite detachment, but it is hard when dealing with his cousin. Still, none of his plans will work if he still has members of the Verrat following him and that is certainly something Nick will be able to pick up on.

“And I am simply to trust your word that this is what is happening?”

“Yes,” he bites out. “For the good of the family and for the safe return of my daughter.” Silence greets him before he hears a deep inhale.

“If we haven’t heard from you with news before the end of the day, they will be back and far closer than previously.” The line goes dead after those ominous words and Sean can’t help but pull a face at the phone. No matter how he feels about it, he got what he wanted and now he needs to make it count. Taking the copy of the file he made, he exits his office quickly and messages a meeting place for his associate, naming a time that gives him some leeway to ensure no one is watching or following him. He has his own ways of knowing, as well as the training he’s done over the years as he rose up through the police ranks.

Making the drop and talking through his directions gives him a sense of control he’s been sorely missing, and he can see the bigger picture once more. Not long now, and he’ll be the one in control and then in power.


Nick still feels on edge from the afternoon’s events and inviting the captain back for another meeting is the last thing he wants to do right now. What he wants is to bundle Adalind and Diana up, take them back to the loft and just be with them, maybe cuddle up and read a book, all together and just let them rest and reset after all that’s happened. But Henrietta had a point with Elizabeth also looking worse for wear, and hearing her ask for this last-minute meeting in such a way did hit different. From everything that had happened and the way she talked this could very well be the last time Diana would be spending time with both her father and grandmother and he was loathe to stand in the way of that, just because of his unease. Elizabeth had more than proven herself and if the captain started anything … well, they weren’t at the precinct and Nick would protect them in any way he deemed necessary. And he did believe in family being important, that was how he had started being involved in this. Now that he considered them his family as well, well the captain really needed to be careful of his actions.

Adalind settles a still somewhat sleepy Diana on the couch, in between Elizabeth and herself, and with Nick hovering just behind them, the captain will have to sit on the other side of his mother. The three blondes talk quietly as they wait on the male member of the family’s arrival, Elizabeth telling some story of Hexenbiest lore that has both Diana and Adalind enthralled. He listens to the words but doesn’t take them fully in, focusing his hearing on the front door and the sounds beyond. The crunch of tyres comes and he’s up, moving to the door as Henrietta follows him.

“Sean,” he greets as the door opens and sees the man pull up slightly. He wants him to know and understand that, while he has a job that he loves and is willing to do, under the other man’s command, here they aren’t in those roles and he will not be the dutiful, obedient employee his superior has known and seen before.

“Nick,” the taller man responds with a nod and he steps back to let him enter. Henrietta gives her own greeting, and version of a warning for peaceful discussion in her home, before they walk down the hall and enter the sitting room.

“Mother, Adalind, Diana,” the captain nods at each as he says their name, eyes lingering on his daughter. He doesn’t take a seat, instead standing in the middle of the room. Nick moves to his previous place and has to fight the urge to wrap his arms around both Adalind and Diana, in some protective, shielding hug.

“Sean,” Elizabeth smiles softly. “I have spent some wonderful time with Adalind and dear Diana. It would comfort me greatly to have my remaining time with them be of peace and happiness.”

“I have no desire to upset you,” he replies back, his focus clearly shifting to his mother and taking in her frailer appearance. “You are looking …”

“Weak,” she laughs but seems to be the only one finding any merriment in the situation. “I know how you do not like that, in appearance or feeling, but in my situation it is unavoidable.”

“I still wish there had been another way,” he says softly and Nick thinks it’s the most emotional he’s seen his superior yet. He bends to take a knee in front of his mother as she reaches for him and she gently strokes his cheek.

“I know,” she replies. “But as your mother it was my choice, my decision and I do not regret it.”

“Even now?” He asks, clearly indicating Diana, who is watching them quietly, along with everyone else in the room.

“Even now,” she repeats. “Though I hope you will take my feelings and wishes into account as you move forward, and do not forget them when considering situations in the future.” Her voice becomes suddenly stronger and Sean straightens in his position before her.

“I want what’s best for my daughter,” he says, clearly now directing his words to the room at large. “As any other parent wants for their child. And I acknowledge Adalind’s place in her life and will not try to separate them. I wish for family, just as you once did mother, and I do not intend to place them in jeopardy.” Elizabeth smiles at his words and Sean reaches forward to grasp her hand before turning to Diana to offer her his other, creating a link between them all. Nick watches on and thinks through the other man’s words, noting they are clear but just having this feeling in his gut that they were deliberately chosen. That the meaning isn’t as clear cut as presented. Still, he keeps quite and watchful as Diana talks to Elizabeth and hesitantly, begins to converse with her father. He can tell Adalind is tense, keeping a keen gaze on them all even as she sits so close and knows that she too isn’t fully trusting of her former partner’s words. She jerks completely as Sean asks for a photo of them all, to keep as a memory of his mother meeting his daughter, as her time is so short, and he can see how she wants to object to it. Meeting his own mother’s eyes and knows they both feel the same but with Elizabeth’s keen vocalisation at the request they all accept it and watch uneasily as Henrietta takes the photo, the two Hexenbiest on either end with Diana in the middle and Sean on his knees beside her, one of her little arms resting lightly on his shoulder.

Adalind calls it then, stating that Diana is growing tired and the hour is getting late and Nick is surprised when no argument comes from the half Zauberbiest. Instead, he gives Diana a gentle goodbye before assisting his mother up and offering to escort her home. He gives them all his personal number, so they can contact him directly, even though Nick already has it, and wishes them a good evening before leaving. Silence washes over them as they take in the atmosphere now that their presence is gone.

“Ok, what was that?” His mother exclaims and Adalind sighs wearily.

“I don’t like that, whatever it was,” she murmurs.

“Mama?” Diana asks. “Go home?” She lets out a yawn and Adalind pulls her closer.

“Yes, honey, we’re going home.” She looks up to him and Kelly and they both nod.

“Let me know if I can do anything,” Henrietta states. “And here are the books, so you may read up on binding and be prepared for when we are ready to cast it.”

“Thank you,” Adalind accepts the books then looks down at her daughter but Nick is already moving, scooping Diana into his arms and feeling the little girl wrap hers around his neck tightly. “We’ll see you soon.” She follows Nick out of the door then to the car, noting his car parked right behind theirs somewhat haphazardly.

“I’ll follow you back,” Kelly comments and Nick gives her a smile of appreciation. The car seat for Diana is in their car, so it makes sense that she travels back in that, but he also needs to know they are ok. This whole day, and the just finished meeting, has left him feeling out of sorts and in full-on protection mode. They make it back to the loft with no further incidents and Diana requests a bath that Adalind quickly helps her with.

“Are you going to-“ he starts to ask but his mother cuts him off.

“Oh, I’m going to follow that son-of-a right now. I’ll probably be gone most of the night, but you’ll stay with them?”

“I’ll stay,” he states. “If anything comes up then I’ll let you know, so keep your phone close just in case.” She nods then disappears back into the elevator. Nick puts his gun in the gun safe, coat on the peg and picks up the few things Adalind had dropped on her way through the living space with Diana. He eyes the Hexenbiest books from Henrietta but then Adalind reappears with Diana and he can’t resist her sleepy plea for a story before bed.

Adalind tucks her into her duvet and then settles down next to her as Nick begins to read from her other side, having grabbed a story out of the reading nook bookcase. They listen to the rhyming words and Diana is fast asleep before he’s even half way through the story but he continues on, not wanting to disturb this peaceful and precious moment. Adalind is also blinking heavily by that point and he softly places the book down when he’s finished before helping her to her feet.

“Let’s get you to bed,” he says quietly, leading her out and sliding Diana’s door closed.

“Will you stay with me?” She mumbles sleepily and he agrees quickly, helping her settle into bed before doing his own night time routine, re-setting the security alarms, and then joining her. She rolls into his arms straight away and he feels warmth and tingles of magic sink into his skin from where they touch, as he feels himself relax for the first time in hours, maybe longer, and fall asleep.


Harsh panting breaths fill the space between them and electric currents run through him from where they touch. She pushes back against him but he holds her in place.

“Like this,” he says, hands running over her body, sparks of magic following his touch. “Let me have you like this.” His fingers thread through hers, griping tight as his body blankets her from above, heat spreading through him from every part of him that presses against her. She writhes under him and it sends a thrill deep inside as he secures his hold and she relaxes into him, body so pliable under his hands and he aligns them so he can slide inside … only to wake, feeling suddenly bereft.

Nick groans, unable to stop himself from pressing into the body that lies next to him, the one he was just moments away from joining in his dream, before pulling away and trying to put some space between himself and the still sleeping blonde.

“Nick?” Adalind murmurs sleepily as she turns to face him. “Was that …?”

“You dreamt it too?” He asks, voice slightly hoarse. She nods and then slowly reaches out to caress his cheek, him leaning into her touch, before she begins moving further down his body. He grabs her hand before she can reach a certain body part, that is definitely awake and wanting her attention.

“Adalind,” he warns and she smiles. Wriggling her fingers in his, he feels that spark and lets her go to then watch as she sits up and starts to remove her clothes. “What are you …?”

“If I’m not mistaken, we were in the middle of something,” she smirks at him whilst sliding off her pants. “And I’m very interested in continuing, if you are too?” He pulls her to him with a growl, the pictures in his head suddenly taking on new vibrancy with her being right in front of him, and with her willing offer. They kiss frantically, interrupted frequently as they both try to undress him whilst keeping contact with each other as much as possible. When he’s finally as naked as she is he takes a moment to just feel, loving the warmth of her as well as that charge that comes whenever they are together, before rolling her into position.

“Like this, remember?” He pants into her ear and she responds with a breathy moan.

“Yes,” she whines, shifting underneath him, his knees bracketing hers as their fingers link, and then he thrusts home. Everything around them devolves into feeling and sensation and his grip on her hands, holding tight as their bodies move and chasing pleasure becomes their only goal.

She moans as he swivels his hips, he groans as she pushes back up against him and he feels a different kind of power at having her caged underneath him, yet so keenly begging for his touch, for him to move and bring her, both of them, pleasure. He keeps her hands in his, holds tight as he increases the pace and sucks at the junction of her neck and shoulder as she exclaims at the feeling.

She jerks as she comes, bucking up against him and crying out, and he lets his pace and power increase as he chases his own release before groaning into her flesh as it washes over him. He gives several more, slow thrusts as his breath returns to normal and she presses back into him before they both go lax, bodies falling to the side and disconnecting, even as their hands stay linked.

He can feel her heart beating fast and she inhales in quick pants as their bodies settle down, though he still feels that spark, the magic that is present between them, from where they remain closely pressed together.

“So …” he starts and she lets out a still somewhat breathless laugh.

“Was it like in our dream?” She asks and he pushes forward to kiss her lips.

“Better,” he hums and she smiles happily, if also sleepily.

“I’m not complaining, but still not sure why we’re having those dreams,” she murmurs and he nods.

“Yeah, I get the talking dreams, I mean if it’s all about forming a connection between us, working together to protect Diana, if that’s even the reason behind them, but these other ones …”

“They are a lot more,” she supplies. He releases one of her hands and she turns so she can rest her head on his shoulder as they talk, other hands still interlocked.

“Have you ever heard of anything like this before?” He asks and feels her shake her head.

“No, but now I have access to more resources, my mother’s books as well as Henrietta’s I can look into it.”

“But just to find out more? Unless you want them to stop?” He asks, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

“I want to know and understand what they are and what they mean,” she clarifies. “I don’t want them to stop, unless you do?” She peers up at him then and he offers her a small smile.

“No,” he replies. “I don’t want them to stop.”

“Me neither,” she agrees and they share a soft look before she settles against him once more. He feels her yawn and feels his own tiredness wash over him.

“Sweet dreams, Adalind,” he murmurs as he presses a kiss to her hair and falls asleep to the sound and feel of her soft, happy laughter.


His phone ringing jerks him awake and his startled movement knocks Adalind off his chest, where she had been sleeping. Reaching for his phone he brings it to his ear as she settles back on the pillow beside him, blonde hair spread between the material and his shoulder.

“Burkhardt,” he grunts, voice still deep from sleep.

“Nick?” Monroe’s voice comes through high and tense and he’s instantly awake. “I know it’s early but can you come to our house? We’ve got another … it looks like the Wesenrein are back.”

“What?!” He asks loudly, sitting straight up. “No, wait, don’t answer and don’t touch anything. I’ll be there in 15. And I’ll call Hank and Wu to come too.” Monroe exhales on the other end of the call and offers a weary goodbye as they hang up.

“What’s happened?” Adalind asks softly as he throws the cover off and gets up, already reaching for his clothes.

“Do you remember when I told you about my uh altered state and how it happened?” He asks and she nods quickly. “Well, it looks like that same group might be targeting Monroe and Rosalee again.”

“Are they ok?” She asks, sitting up then gathering the cover close to cover her nakedness.

“I’m going to head over there now, make sure they are. Can you let my mom know and that I’ll be with them for as long as they need me?” He asks as he moves about.

“Of course, and let us know if we can do anything,” she replies, obvious concern in her voice, and he pauses in getting dressed to lean down and kiss her.

“Thank you,” he murmurs, hovering over her for one more kiss before pulling back and then making his way out of the room and out of the loft.

Driving towards Monroe’s, after calling Hank and Wu, and messaging his mother, he remembers all the incidents that lead up to his friend’s kidnapping and the confrontation in the park. He hadn’t thought much on that since it happened, was still slightly apprehensive about it all and what he had done. Adalind’s reassurance had meant a lot to him and that he had had no other incidents since ... except, he wasn’t sure that was strictly true. There were moments where his feelings had taken on that tone and yesterday, when he’d made his mad dash to Adalind and Diana after feeling that sense of rising danger … He needed to investigate this more but it always seemed to be lowest on his list of things to do, perhaps because of his own uncertainty that he kept pushing it there. Either way, if his friends were in trouble, he would do what he could to help them.

He pulls in just a moment before Hank does and Rosalee is just letting them inside when Wu joins them. Monroe is pacing back and forth in his living room, another letter laid out on the coffee table. Wu and Hank both bob down to inspect it as Nick turns to his friends.

“My house!” Monroe bites out. “They’re targeting us again, in our own home, and for what? Don’t they know what happened last time?”

“That was a big pile of bodies we buried in the park,” Wu comments and Nick looks away. His mixed emotions about all of this, his thoughts and feeling too close to the surface, and he feels unsure. That his friends were safe and they were able to rescue Monroe before anything happened to him was good but what he’d done to those involved? He didn’t exactly regret it, still wasn’t one hundred percent sure how it had happened, but he did wish his actions could have stayed more on the lawful side of things.

“We can get the case re-opened,” he offers. “As there was never an arrest or full conclusion to the last incidents it wouldn’t be hard to do.”

“And then what? We have people, police officers, stationed outside our home, on the look for people they have no understanding about? This whole situation is above simple Kehresite law and order.” Monroe gripes back harshly and then forces himself to take a deep breath.

“The maybe we get the council involved?” Rosalee suggests and Monroe scoffs.

“Because they were such a big help last time!”

“We know they have an operative in town. Maybe we make them aware of this, show we’re sharing information and see how they handle it. They have a duty to the people of the Wesen community, and you two are definitely part of that.” Nick says. “If they don’t play ball then we do things our way.”

“You going zombie on us again?” Hank asks, somewhat wearily, and he shrugs.

“If I have to.” He’s not going to rule out anything if it means he can keep his friends safe.

“Ok, one step at a time,” Rosalee states. “I think Nick’s idea is a good one, the council are supposed to act in situations like this. We didn’t contact them last time because we both downplayed what happened but I’m not doing that this time. Not after what happened. If they are back and are targeting us again, then I want everyone to know and then they can pay.” She growls out the last words and Monroe pulls her into an embrace. The three police officers look away and give them a moment.

“Ok,” Monroe agrees. “We make the call. But if the council don’t do anything …”

“Then we will,” Nick states with finality.


AN – Thank you for reading!

Family Ties - Chapter 27 - albwtw (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.