Koshi® Chimes Set of 4 Elements Terra/Aqua/Aria/Ignis. Made in France (2024)

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Koshi® Chimes Set of 4 Elements Terra/Aqua/Aria/Ignis. Made in France (3)

4.9 159

(159 Reviews)

The complete and genuine Set of all 4 Koshi chimes. Fill your life with the sounds of bliss and abundance. Indulge yourself with the Koshi sound. The genuine Koshi chimes are an authentic musical instrument. An original creation of high quality. They are hand made in a famous workshop at the foot of the Pyrenean mountains in France.

Each chime is the result of meticulous craftsmanship where 8 chords are welded with silver into the metal plate at the base of the bamboo resonance tube.

Free Shipping. 60-Day Returns. Fast Dispatch.

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The Koshi chime is an authentic musical instrument. Fill your life with the sounds of bliss and abundance. An original creation of high quality. Koshi Chimes are hand made in a famous workshop at the foot of the Pyrenean mountains in France. Gaiachimes UK is authorised Koshi Chime Seller.

Each chime is the result of meticulous craftsmanship where 8 chords are welded with silver into the metal plate at the base of the bamboo resonance tube.

Precise tuning creates a play of clear tones that is rich in overtones, of which the shorter chords successively dominate and become fundamentals, forming a circular tone range.

Move your Koshi gently holding it by its cordorsuspend it and it will play with the wind carrying you away in an unexpected melody.
Either way, the astonishing relaxing sound may leave you in quiet wonder.

Each Koshi produces it's own sound influenced by the 4 elements with it's own timbre.


TERRA - Element Earth

IGNIS - Element Fire

AQUA - Element Water

ARIA - Element Air

The Koshis sound wonderful when all play together!

Measurements: ca. 6,3 cm im diameter / ca. 16,5 cm height

Koshi notes

Aria: a c e a b c e b

Ignis: g b d g b d g a

Terra: g c e f g c e g

Aqua: a d f g a d f a

Each Koshi comes in its own gift box

Measurements: 6,3cm x 6,3cm x 20cm

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Can Koshi Chimes be used outside?

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Have you ever wondered why the Koshi Chimes are so special?

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Customer Reviews







Good service and product

Review by Abby

Chimes arrived as described, no problems or delays in shipping or delivery. No issues whatsoever.







Beautiful chimes, fabulous service!

Review by DD

As soon as I heard Koshi chimes I knew I needed to possess a set! The sound is utterly enchanting. I was lucky enough to get them as a birthday gift. Gaiachimes were the best price and their communication was excellent. My chimes arrived promptly and have been bringing me much joy since.







Koshi Chimes

Review by reetsskeets

Absolutely love my new Koshi Chimes. they arrived nicely and safely packaged. Also a great price as anywhere they were more expensive. They sound amazing and I cannot wait to use them in my sound healing sessions,







I adore my koshi chimes

Review by SassyLassy

I went to a sound bath session where they played these chimes. I was in love as soon as I heard them. I ordered the set of four. They arrived promptly and were well packaged. They sound absolutely beautiful singularly or played in combination, in sets of two. I play them daily and am in heaven when I listen to them. What a great company who made them and thank you for supplying them. Highly recommended. Would definitely order from you again, if I need to.








Review by Chez

These chimes produce such a delicate and magical sound they are absolutely crafted to perfection And the delivery and service was impressive too
I bought one then bought the full set as I was so impressed

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Koshi® Chimes Set of 4 Elements Terra/Aqua/Aria/Ignis. Made in France (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Views: 6255

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.