NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (2024)

ByDanny Wolstanholme

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (1)


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The National Wrestling Alliance, currently owned by Billy Corgan, will continue their 74-year anniversary two-night event at The Chase Park Plaza Royal Sonesta in St Louis, Missouri.

Announced card

* Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Tyrus for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

* Kamille(c) vs. Max the Impaler for the NWA World Women's Championship

* The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wreckingball Legursky) vs. Gold Rushhh (Jordan Clearwater & Marshe Rockett) vs. The NOW (Hale Collins & Vik Dalishus) vs. The Miserably Faithful (Sal the Pal & Gaagz the Gymp) vs. The Ill Begotten (Alex Taylor & Jeremiah Plunkett) vs. Hawx Aerie (Luke & PJ Hawx) vs. Ruff 'n' Ready (D-Vin Graves & Diante) vs. The Country Gentleman(AJ Cazana &Anthony Andrews) vs. The Spectaculars (Brady Pierce & Rush Freeman) vs. Team Ambition (Mike Outlaw & Camaro Jackson) vs. TBA vs. TBA in a tag team battle royal for the vacant NWA United States Tag Team Championship


* Homicide (c) vs. Ricky Morton for the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship

* Pretty Empowered (Ella Envy & Kenzie Paige) (c) vs. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) in a Kingshighway Street Fight for the NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship

* Davey Richards (c) vs. "Thrillbilly" Silas Mason for the MLW National Openweight Championship

* Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon

*Thom Latimer vs. Judais

* Colby Corino vs. Caprice Coleman in a two-out-of-three falls match

* Mercurio vs. Jake Dumas

* Pre-show match:Angelina Love vs. Taryn Terrell


NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (2)


- Rhett Titus vs. Doug Williams in a submission match ended in a draw when the allocated time for the contest expired.

- Backstage, May Valentine interviewed Austin Idol. Idol hyped up Cyon.

- It is revealed that the OGK (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) will be the 11th team in thetag team battle royal for the vacant NWA United States Tag Team Championship.


- Angelina Love defeated Taryn Terrell using the Botox Injection finisher. Terrell initially rang the bell on her own accord and declared herself the winner.

- Mercurio was interviewed backstage by May Valentine. Bennett and Taven interrupted and took over the interview.

- Kerry Morton defeated Gustavo with a big knee to the face.

- May Valentine interviewed BLK Jeez backstage.

- It was revealed that Aron Stevens and Rodney Mack would team up to face JR Kratos and TBA on the main show in a Missouri tornado tag team match.

- Natalia Markova, Madi & MissaKate defeated Jennacide, Taya Valkyrie & KiLynn King in a Queen Bee Match. The winning team went on to compete in an elimination triple threat match.


- Natalia Markova defeated Madi and Missa Kate in an elimination triple threat match to become Queen Bee.

Two-out-of-three falls and NWA US Tag Team Title battle royal

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (3)


Colby Corino vs. Caprice Coleman in a two-out-of-three falls match

Coleman hit a flurry of moves to rock Corino in the opening stages of the bout. Coleman made Corino tap out to register the first fall. After tapping out, Corino stepped up his game and took control of the match. Corino grounded Coleman on the mat, firmly dictating the pace of the match. Coleman hit back moments later and connected with a Leap of Faith from the top turnbuckle. Corino pulled a weapon out of his trunks when Coleman lifted him up. Corino used the weapon out of the referee's vision and picked up the next fall as a result. The contest headed to the outside as Corino had repeated exchanges with a fan on the front row. Back in the ring, with Coleman on top, Corino went to pull out the weapon from his trunks. The weapon fell to the canvas after Coleman landing a series of moves. After missing a Leap of Faith, Corino connected with a knee from the top and followed up with a Sunsetter to win.


Winner: Colby Corino 2-1

- There was scheduled to be a backstage interview conducted by May Valentine, but it appeared that there were technical issues.

The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wreckingball Legursky) vs. Gold Rushhh (Jordan Clearwater & Marshe Rockett) vs. The NOW (Hale Collins & Vik Dalishus) vs. The Miserably Faithful (Sal the Pal & Gaagz the Gymp) vs. The Ill Begotten (Alex Taylor & Jeremiah Plunkett) vs. Hawx Aerie (Luke & PJ Hawx) vs. Ruff 'n' Ready (D-Vin Graves & Diante) vs. The Country Gentleman (AJ Cazana & Anthony Andrews) vs. The Spectaculars (Brady Pierce & Rush Freeman) vs. Team Ambition (Mike Outlaw & Camaro Jackson) vs. The OGK (Mike Bennett &Matt Taven vs. theNWA World Tag Team ChampionsLa Rebelión (Bestia 666 & MechaWolf)in a tag team battle royal for the vacant NWA United States Tag Team Championship


La Rebelión and the OGK brawled after their respective eliminations. It came down to Team Ambition and The Fixers. Bradley and Legursky eliminated Outlaw and Jackson at the same time to win.

Winners:NEW NWA United States Tag Team Champions The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wreckingball Legursky)

-Matt Cardona and the Cardonas were interviewed on the stage. Cardona said last night was supposed to be the beginning of his comeback story. Cardona called it a St Louis screwjob. Cardona said he only competed to do the NWA favor because he's still not 100%. He apologized to everyone for letting them down. Cardona said Rolando Freeman will pay.

Mercurio vs. Jake Dumas, MLW National Openweight Title match

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (4)


Mercurio vs. "Magic" Jake Dumas w/Christi Jaynes

After some initial antics, Mercurio took control of the match. Dumas responded before both men exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. Mercurio connected with a superkick and followed up with a moonsault from the top turnbuckle, but it wasn't enough to put Dumas away. The action spilled to the outside, and Jaynes attempted to distract Mercurio. In the ring, Dumas pulled a razor blade from his mouth. Dumas then hit theAbracadabra to win.


Winner: "Magic" Jake Dumas via pinfall

Davey Richards (c) vs. "Thrillbilly" Silas Mason w/ Pollo Del Mar for the MLW National Openweight Championship

Richards attempted to take it to Mason as the match got underway, but the power of Mason appeared too much for the champion. Mason sent Richards to the floor. Mason delivered a series of chops to the chest before sending Richards into the guardrail. Richards answered back as the action returned to the ring, but it was only a brief rally as Mason once again overpowered him. Richards dug deep and managed to snap the leg of Mason over the middle rope. The champion followed up by applying a leg submission, but Mason found a way back into the contest. After Richards thought he won with aCoup de Grâce, the champion forced Mason to tap out after Del Mar attempted to get involved.


Winner:STILL MLW National Openweight Champion Davey Richards via submission

- NWA commentator Joe Galli proposed to his partner in the middle of the ring.

- JJ Dillon and Billy Windham appeared in the ring.

- Backstage, Thom Latimer and NWA World Women's Champion Kamille were interviewed.

NWA National Heavyweight Championship bout, NWA Women's World Tag Team Championship match

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (5)


Cyon (c) w/ Austin Idol vs. Anthony Mayweather for the NWA National Heavyweight Championship

This match appeared to be a late addition to the card, as it was not listed earlier in the day. Jax Dane andChris Silvio, Esq. came out and sat on the stage before the match began. Mayweather initially dominated the early stages of the match. Cyon managed to turn the tables and kept Mayweather grounded. After a long period of being on the back foot, Mayweather fought back and sent the champion to the floor. Mayweather landed a big elbow in the center of the ring, but Cyon kicked out of the cover that followed. Cyon replied by delivering back-to-back Death Valley Drivers to win.


Winner: STILL NWA National Heavyweight Champion Cyon via pinfall

Pretty Empowered (Ella Envy & Kenzie Paige) (c) vs. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) in a Kingshighway Street Fight for the NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship

The Hex immediately went after the champions at ringside by using a number of weapons, including the ring bell. In the ring, Kay and Belle applied further punishment with a kendo stick being introduced. Belle and Kay set up a steel chair in each corner of the ring. However, the momentum shifted when Envy and Paige sent Kay and Belle into the chairs. Kay was tied to the corner of the ring, but eventually escaped. Pretty Empowered controlled the next phase of the match on the floor. Back in the ring, Kay scattered Lego on the canvas. Kay planted both Envy and Paige onto the Lego. Moments later, Kay was sent crashing through a table set up on the outside. The champions then superkicked Belle while a trash can was placed over her head to win.


Winners: STILL NWA World Women's Tag Team Champions Pretty Empowered via pinfall

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship clash, Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (6)


Homicide (c) vs. Ricky Morton for the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship

Homicide ticked off Morton in an aggressive opening to the contest. The champion grabbed the ring bell from the ringside area, but immediately put it back after buying some time. Morton again took it to Homicide after further disrespect. Morton continued to apply pressure and even landed a cutter, Homicide's own move. Homicide turned the tables and delivered a blow to the back of the head to beat Morton.


Winner: STILL NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Homicide via pinfall

Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon

Gordon went right after Aldis before he had even taken his ring jacket off. Aldis soon found his feet and sent Gordon flying over his shoulders. Aldis delivered a big brainbuster to Gordon, but it wasn't enough to finish him off. Aldis landed a Fallaway Slam from the top turnbuckle, further punishing Gordon. Gordon neatly delivered a dropkick to send Aldis into the corner and followed it up with a Sling Blade. Aldis went for a second Fallaway Slam from the top, but Gordon reversed it into a Sunset Flip. Gordon applied a sleeper to Aldis, but the former NWA World Champion countered. Aldis managed to catch Gordon in a Cloverleaf submission to win the match.


Winner: Nick Aldis via submission

-After the match, both men shook hands. Odinson attacked Gordon in the ring, which prompted Aldis to return to the ring. Odinson then took out Aldis.

Missouri tornado tag team encounter, Thom Latimer vs. EC3

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (7)


AronStevens & Rodney Mack vs. JR Kratos & The Pope in a Missouri tornado tag team match

Stevens bolted from the ring as Kratos went after him. Mack andPope went at it in the ring. Pope showed off his incredible strength as he elevated Mack for an extended period. Stevens reappeared unscathed, but he immediately ran into Pope in the ring. Kratos and Mack went toe-to-toe in the ring. Kratos dealt with Mack and Stevens entered the ring. Kratos sent Stevens to the outside, and Pope leaped from the top turnbuckle to take both Mack and Stevens out. Kratos attempted a dive, but Stevens caught him with a steel chair. Stevens got on the microphone and talked about why he hated wrestling. The action spilled to the stage area, with all four competitors visibly battling behind the television screens. In the end, Pope managed to pin Mack on the stage.


Winners:The Pope and Kratos via pinfall

Thom Latimer vs. EC3

Latimer was initially scheduled to face Judais. EC3 sought to use his strength against Latimer, but theEnglishman responded with a dropkick. EC3 eventually responded with a big clothesline to the back of the head before sending Latimer into the ring post. EC3 controlled the tempo of the match and kept Latimer off his feet. Latimer found a burst of energy and took it to EC3. The match ended when Control Your Narrative entered the ring.

Winner: No contest

- Control Your Narrative held Latimer, while EC3 placed a chair in front of him and said a few words that weren't picked up on camera.

- Backstage, May Valentine interviewed The Miserably Faithful. "Father" James Mitchell hyped up Max the Impaler ahead of the NWA Women's World Championship match.


NWA Women's World Championship match

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (8)


Kamille (c) vs. Max the Impaler w/ "Father" James Mitchell for the NWA World Women's Championship

Bully Ray joined the commentary table for this match. Both began the match with an aggressive lock-up. Max gained the upper hand and slammed Kamille into the mat. The champion attempted to fight back, but Max sent her back down with a headbutt. Kamille sought to build some momentum, but Max immediately put a stop to it. The champion appeared to be in serious trouble as Max continued to viciously wear her down. Max stomped Kamille face-first into the bottom turnbuckle, but Kamille eventually found an opening and delivered a leg drop while Max was draped over the middle rope. Kamille headed to the top rope twice as she attempted to ground Max. Kamille used her strength to lift Max on her shoulders for the Torture Rack.


Max went for Kamille's own move, the spear, but it was the champion who ultimately landed the signature move. Mitchell got involved to save Max, as members of the Miserably Faithful came down to the ring. Upon Kamille returning to the ring after hunting down the stable on the outside, Max delivered a Wasteland, but the champion surprisinglykicked out of the cover. Kamille sent Max crashing into the turnbuckles and ultimately rolled up the challenger to pick up the victory.

Winner: STILL NWA World Women's Champion Kamille via pinfall

- After the match, Kamille held up the gold as Max angrily looked on.

- In the ring, Billy Corgan spoke. Corgan thanked the fans. Corgan said that the NWA will return to St Louis for NWA 75 next year. Corgan wanted everyone to take a moment of silence to pay respects for those within the industry who are no longer with us. A ten-bell salute then occurred.


NWA World Heavyweight Championship main event

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (9)


Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Tyrus w/ BLK Jeez for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Fans chanted for Murdoch in his hometown. Murdoch went to the outside and took out Jeez with a DDT. The champion rocked Tyrus with a bulldog from the top and almost finished the match off early. On the outside, Tyrus gained the advantage. He continued to work on Murdoch as the action returned to the ring. The match spilled to the entrance way and Tyrus delivered a bodyslam to Murdoch on the hard floor. Tyrus threatened Murdoch's son on the front row.


Back inside the squared circle, Murdoch leaped from the top rope again to take down Tyrus. Murdoch applied the sleeper, but the challenger eventually managed to counter. Tyrus dominated the match once more as he picked apart Murdoch. The referee was knocked down as Murdoch began to rally. The champion went to the ringside area to grab the ring bell. The referee pulled himself up by the ropes as Murdoch held the ring bell. Murdoch put the ring bell down, but Tyrus nailed him with a Heart Punch. Tyrus went for the cover, but Murdoch kicked out at the last second. Jeez distracted the referee as Tyrus went to use the ring bell on the outside, though decided against it. As both men returned to the ring, Murdoch hit a low blow on Tyrus while the referee was dealing with Jeez. The champion followed it up with a bulldog from the top, but Tyrus kicked out of the pinfall attempt. Murdoch landed a second bulldog from the top to win.


Winner: STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion Trevor Murdoch via pinfall

- Both men shook hands post-match. Murdoch spoke on the microphone and wanted to take a minute to recognize Tyrus. Murdoch tried to talk to Tyrus, but he walked out after flipping over the commentary table. Murdoch thanked the fans.

- That's all for NWA 74 Night Two!

NWA 74 Night Two Results (8/28): Trevor Murdoch Vs. Tyrus For The NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestling Inc. (2024)


How many kids does Tyrus have? ›

Who are Tyrus children? Tyrus has five children. He only has one biological child with his current wife, Ingrid Rinck, while the other four are from their previous relationships. The wrestler has two stepsons, a son and a daughter from his former relationship.

Did Tyrus win or lose? ›

On August 27, at NWA 75, Tyrus lost the NWA World title Bullrope match to EC3, thus he was forced to retire. After the match, he said his good byes and thanked his family, the NWA and Billy Corgan; and the NWA locker room came out to embrace Tyrus.

Are Greg Gutfeld and Tyrus friends? ›

A year later, Tyrus called out Greg Gutfeld on Twitter. Thus began a friendship and the rest is history. He's been appearing on Gutfeld's programs ever since as well as contributing to various other Fox News Channel hit programs, including Outnumbered, Fox & Friends, The Five and The Daily Briefing.

How did Tyrus win his wrestling belt? ›

Tyrus previously won the title by defeating Trevor Murdoch and Mike Knox at NWA Hard Times 3 on November 12, 2022. He held the gold for 288 days. The former champion cut an emotional post-match promo and thanked the NWA. Tyrus debuted in 2006, when he signed a developmental deal with WWE.

What is Tyrus' annual salary? ›

1 Tyrus has recently signed a 5-year deal with Fox News, earning him $2 million in annual salary. 2 Tyrus net worth is estimated to be $5 million after this deal.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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