where to download fema dfirm data (2024)


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where to download fema dfirm data (1) where to download fema dfirm data (2)




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07-06-2015 08:20 PM

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where to download fema dfirm data (3)


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‎07-06-201508:20 PM

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I am trying to have a complete set of FEMA flood data for an in-house project. Is there a source url to download the FEMA DFIRM as GIS data for all of United States?

Thank you.

Tom Klingler

Envirosite Corporation


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where to download fema dfirm data (4)


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‎07-07-201506:52 AM

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Here is a link for the National Flood Hazard Layer. Its about 12 GB uncompressed.

National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) - Download Seamless Nationwide NFHL GIS data - Data.gov

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‎07-07-201506:52 AM

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Here is a link for the National Flood Hazard Layer. Its about 12 GB uncompressed.

National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) - Download Seamless Nationwide NFHL GIS data - Data.gov


where to download fema dfirm data (6)

byAnonymous User

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‎01-24-202203:22 PM

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where to download fema dfirm data (7)

byJoeBorgionewhere to download fema dfirm data (8)

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‎07-07-201508:49 AM

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where to download fema dfirm data (9)

That should just about do it....


where to download fema dfirm data (10)


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‎05-16-201810:54 AM

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This link does not exist. Is there a new one? It seems that the NFHL GIS data is no longer available to download directly.


where to download fema dfirm data (11)

byJoeBorgionewhere to download fema dfirm data (12)

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‎05-16-201811:32 AM

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National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) | FEMA.gov says "Technical GIS users can also utilize a series of dedicated GIS web services that allow the NFHL database to be incorporated into websites and GIS applications." and provides this link:

FEMA: Mapping Information Platform:NOPAGETAB_NFHLWMS

But as far as I can tell, that just send you to a map viewer, and download to an image or pdf. However, buried in the fine print is:

For more information, please call or email a FEMA Map Specialist at 1-877-FEMA-MAP orFEMAMapSpecialist@riskmapcds.com.

That should just about do it....


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‎12-31-202001:00 PM

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I was having a hard time finding this dataset outside of webmaps. But here it is: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/national-flood-hazard-layer-nfhl3979d


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‎01-25-202109:14 AM

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OMG THANK YOU!!!! I don't know why every link I was finding was either outdated or didn't have download capabilities. It appears even the WMS links are outdated. Thanks so much !!


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‎05-12-202112:50 PM

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This link is no longer available😅


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‎05-12-202101:05 PM

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Not exactly the same dataset but would this work for your purposes? I use it as an input for a classification model.



where to download fema dfirm data (17)

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' var data = div.getElementsByClassName("video-js"); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = "https://players.brightcove.net/" + data_account + "/" + data_palyer + "_default/index.min.js"; for(var i=0;i< data.length;i++){ videodata.push(data[i]); } } } for(var i=0;i< videodata.length;i++){ document.getElementsByClassName('lia-vid-container')[i].innerHTML = videodata[i].outerHTML; document.body.appendChild(script); } } catch(e){ } /* Re compile html */ $compile(rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0])($scope); } if (code_l.toLowerCase() != newBody.getAttribute("slang").toLowerCase()) { /* Adding Translation flag */ var tr_obj = $filter('filter')($scope.sourceLangList, function (obj_l) { return obj_l.code.toLowerCase() === newBody.getAttribute("slang").toLowerCase() }); if (tr_obj.length > 0) { tr_text = "Esri may utilize third parties to translate your data and/or imagery to facilitate communication across different languages.".replace(/lilicon-trans-text/g, tr_obj[0].title); try { if ($scope.wootMessages[$rootScope.profLang] != undefined) { tr_text = $scope.wootMessages[$rootScope.profLang].replace(/lilicon-trans-text/g, tr_obj[0].title); } } catch (e) { } } else { //tr_text = "This message was translated for your convenience!"; tr_text = "Esri may utilize third parties to translate your data and/or imagery to facilitate communication across different languages."; } try { if (!document.getElementById("tr-msz-" + value)) { var tr_para = document.createElement("P"); tr_para.setAttribute("id", "tr-msz-" + value); tr_para.setAttribute("class", "tr-msz"); tr_para.style.textAlign = 'justify'; var tr_fTag = document.createElement("IMG"); tr_fTag.setAttribute("class", "tFlag"); tr_fTag.setAttribute("src", "/html/assets/langTrFlag.PNG"); tr_fTag.style.marginRight = "5px"; tr_fTag.style.height = "14px"; tr_para.appendChild(tr_fTag); var tr_textNode = document.createTextNode(tr_text); tr_para.appendChild(tr_textNode); /* Woot message only for multi source */ if(rootElement.querySelector(".lia-quilt-forum-message")){ rootElement.querySelector(".lia-quilt-forum-message").appendChild(tr_para); 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trLabelsHtml = ""; /* Get translated labels of the message */ lingoLXML = doc.evaluate(lingoLabelExp, doc, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var labelsLength = labelEle[i].querySelectorAll(".label").length; var labelSnapshotLength = lingoLXML.snapshotLength; if (labelsLength == labelSnapshotLength){ for (var k = 0; k < lingoLXML.snapshotLength; k++) { //trLabels.push(lingoLXML.snapshotItem(i).textContent); if (k != 0) { //trLabelsHtml = trLabelsHtml + '
  • ,
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  • ' + lingoLXML.snapshotItem(k).textContent + '
  • '; } else { // trLabelsHtml = trLabelsHtml + '
  • ' + lingoLXML.snapshotItem(k).textContent + '

  • '; trLabelsHtml = trLabelsHtml + '
  • ' + lingoLXML.snapshotItem(k).textContent + '
  • '; } } } catch(e){ } } } if (newSub.getAttribute("slang").toLowerCase() != code_l.toLowerCase()) { if (trLabelsHtml != "") { var labelSname = ""; if(labelEle[i].querySelector("ul li:nth-child(1)").getAttribute("aria-hidden")){ labelSname = labelEle[i].querySelector("ul li:nth-child(1)").outerHTML; } labelEle[i].innerHTML = ""; labelEle[i].innerHTML = labelSname + trLabelsHtml; } } } } } catch(e){ } } } /* V 2.0:3 = Store not translated reply id */ if(lingoRSXML.snapshotLength == 0){ if($scope.falseReplyID == "") { $scope.falseReplyID = value; } } /* Get translated Body of Replies/Comments */ var lingoRBXML = doc.evaluate(lingoRBExp, doc, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for(var i=0;i 0) { var attachDiv = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main').querySelector('div.custom-attachments'); if (attachDiv) { attachDiv = attachDiv.outerHTML; } else if(rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main').querySelectorAll('#attachments').length > 0){ if ("ForumTopicPage" == "BlogArticlePage") { attachDiv = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main .lia-message-body-content').querySelector('#attachments'); 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rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = null if("ForumTopicPage"=="IdeaPage"){ // var customAttachDiv = ''; rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = body_L + feedbackDiv ; $compile(rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0])($scope); compiled = true; /* Attach atttach div */ // document.querySelector("div.translation-attachments-"+value).innerHTML = attachDiv; rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend',attachDiv); if(rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-quilt-idea-message .lia-message-body .lia-attachments-message').length > 1){ rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-quilt-idea-message .lia-message-body .lia-attachments-message')[1].remove(); } } else { if("ForumTopicPage"=="TkbArticlePage"){ rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = body_L + feedbackDiv ; }else{ rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = body_L + feedbackDiv + attachDiv; compiled = true; } } /* Destroy and recreate OOyala player videos to restore the videos in target languages which is written by iTalent as part of iTrack LILICON-79 */ /* Destroy and recreate OOyala player videos */ try{ // $scope.videoData[value][0].querySelector("div").getAttribute("id"); for(var vidIndex=0; vidIndex<$scope.videoData[value].length; vidIndex++){ if( $scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector("div") != null){ var containerId = LITHIUM.OOYALA.players[$scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector("div").getAttribute("id")].containerId; videoId = LITHIUM.OOYALA.players[$scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector("div").getAttribute("id")].videoId; /** Get the Video object */ vid = OO.Player.create(containerId,videoId); /** Destroy the video **/ vid.destroy(); /** recreate in the same position */ var vid = OO.Player.create(containerId,videoId); } } } catch(e){ } try{ for(var vidIndex=0; vidIndex<($scope.videoData[value].length); vidIndex++){ if($scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector('video-js') != null){ var data_id = $scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector('video-js').getAttribute('data-video-id'); 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if (tr_obj.length > 0) { tr_text = "Esri may utilize third parties to translate your data and/or imagery to facilitate communication across different languages.".replace(/lilicon-trans-text/g, tr_obj[0].title); try { if ($scope.wootMessages[$rootScope.profLang] != undefined) { tr_text = $scope.wootMessages[$rootScope.profLang].replace(/lilicon-trans-text/g, tr_obj[0].title); } } catch (e) { } } else { //tr_text = "This message was translated for your convenience!"; tr_text = "Esri may utilize third parties to translate your data and/or imagery to facilitate communication across different languages."; } try { if (!document.getElementById("tr-msz-" + value)) { var tr_para = document.createElement("P"); tr_para.setAttribute("id", "tr-msz-" + value); tr_para.setAttribute("class", "tr-msz"); tr_para.style.textAlign = 'justify'; var tr_fTag = document.createElement("IMG"); tr_fTag.setAttribute("class", "tFlag"); tr_fTag.setAttribute("src", "/html/assets/langTrFlag.PNG"); tr_fTag.style.marginRight = "5px"; 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$scope.showTrText = false; /* V 2.0:5 = actualStatus variable introduced to indicate detailed connector status on UI. This variable holds the actual translation percentage */ $scope.transPercent = ""; $scope.actualStatus = ""; if (tid != "") { var bulkTranslation = lithiumPlugin.bulkTranslation(langCode, tid); bulkTranslation.then(function (trContent) { if(trContent.body != "") { $scope.showPreview(trContent.body, $scope.mszList, langCode); if(langCode != "en-US") { $scope.showTrText = true; } } if((trContent.status != "NA") && trContent.status != null) { // $scope.transPercent = String(trContent.status); $scope.actualStatus = String(trContent.status); } else { // $rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please check again a few minutes." $rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please retry in a few minutes." } $scope.workbench = trContent.wb; /* V 2.0:4 = Trigger uncalled or delayed callbacks (documnet uploaded/translation completed from lithium).*/ if(trContent.callback == 'true') { var trCompletCallback = lithiumPlugin.trCompletCallback(langCode, trContent.docID); trCompletCallback.then(function (callback){ // $rootScope.errorMsg = "Downloading Translated content in " + langCode + " now. Please check again in a few minutes." $rootScope.errorMsg = "Uploading content to translate. Please check again in a few minutes." }); } else if (trContent.callback == 'upload') { var trCompletUpload = lithiumPlugin.trCompletUpload(langCode, trContent.docID); trCompletUpload.then(function (callback) { //$rootScope.errorMsg = "Uploading content to translate. Please check again in a few minutes." $rootScope.errorMsg = "Uploading content to translate. Please check again in a few minutes." }); } else if ("many" == "one") { $scope.updateOOS(); } else if("SmartConx" == "SmartConx"){ if ("many" == "many"){ $scope.updateOOS(); } }else if ((trContent.status != null) && trContent.status.includes("100")) { /* If everything fine then only check Out of Sync status */ $scope.updateOOS(); } else { /* If translation perccent is less than 100 then show the percentage on UI */ $scope.transPercent = $scope.actualStatus; } }); } } /** * @function selectThisLang * @description Called on select dropdown. * @param {string} lang - Language code * */ $scope.selectThisLang = function (lang, anonymousFlag) { /* 1.4:3 Update Analytics on language selection */ try { setTimeout(()=>{ lingoThreadLangSelected(lang, '734073'); console.log("Language",lang); },5000) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } /** Display Translated content **/ var getTranslation = lithiumPlugin.getTranslation(lang, "734073"); getTranslation.then(function (trContent) { if (trContent.body != "") { $scope.showPreview(trContent.body, $scope.mszList, lang); } else { //$rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please check again in a few minutes." $rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please retry in a few minutes." } }); }; var decodeEntities = (function() { // this prevents any overhead from creating the object each time var element = document.createElement('div'); function decodeHTMLEntities (str) { if(str && typeof str === 'string') { // strip script/html tags str = str.replace(/
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    Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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    Author information

    Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

    Birthday: 1993-07-01

    Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

    Phone: +22014484519944

    Job: Banking Officer

    Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.