Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (2024)

Spirit Beasts are exotic pets – available only to Beast Mastery hunters with the Beast Mastery talent. Rare and unique… Spirit Beasts are among the most coveted hunter pets in Azeroth.

While there are a few Spirit Beasts that do pose a real taming challenge, the hardest part about obtaining a Spirit Beast is being fortunate enough to find one. Spirit Beasts are rare spawn pets (with the exception of the MoP porcupines and Mana Sabers in Legion), meaning they may not appear for several hours once tamed or killed – some taking nearly a day before they decide to respawn. Taming a Spirit Beast requires patience and a little luck. Information and advice on how to find and tame them is also very important, both of which I hope to present to you with in this guide.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (1)

Spirit Beasts possess 3 special abilities: Spirit Mend, Spirit Pulse and Spirit Walk. Because of their healing spell and self-dispel, Spirit Beasts make outstanding pets for PvP and solo content, and they also have the distinction of being the only exotic pet with more than 2 special abilities.

The following guide lists all of the Spirit Beasts that can currently be found in Azeroth, maps on where to find them, what strategies to use for taming them, along with a few other bits of information to aid in your taming adventures. I hope that you find this guide useful, and may it increase your success while out hunting the various Spirit Beasts of Azeroth.

Getting Prepared: Rare Finder Addons and Targeting Macros

Before you begin any taming adventure, I recommend employing the use of either a a rare finder addon or a targeting macro. Even though the locations of all the Spirit Beasts are listed below, the World of Warcraft is quite vast and these beasts can sometimes be difficult to track down if you’re merely relying upon your eyeballs. One such addon that can really aid you in your search is NPCScan – another is Silver Dragon. Both of these addons can really help give you a jump on targeting these Spirit Beasts if they happen to be out and ready for taming. This post offers an overview of NPCScan, and this post will show you how to get both NPCScan and Silver Dragon up and running.

If you don’t care to mess with addons, or maybe just want to go with a simpler approach, a manual targeting macro can be just as effective. In fact, this is typically what I use. To try this method, just open up your Macro config and create something like this:

/tar Arcturis/tar Loque'nahak/tar Gondria/tar Skoll/tar Ghostcrawler/tar Karoma/tar Ban'thalos/tar Ankha/tar Magria

This of course has all nine of the rare spawn Spirit Beasts listed, but feel free to edit it to suit your needs. Spam this macro when you’re near a known spawn area, and if a Spirit Beast is out, you’ll see their portrait pop up.

Alright… well let’s go on a Spirit Beast Safari, shall we…

Let’s go tamin’ now…Garwulf here will show ya how, come on tame some SB’s with me…

Yea, I’m a dork, I know… 😉

The Spirit Beasts in World of Warcraft


Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (2)

Level: 74

Found in: Grizzly Hills, Northrend

Arcturis has one spawn location in the Grizzly Hills, which is just north of the Amberpine Lodge. He can be found meandering around on the east bank of the river.

Arcturis Taming Strategy

Arcturis can be tamed easily with the use of a Freezing Trap. He’s a neutral mob and will not attack you unless you either hit him first or begin taming. Just place a Freezing Trap between you and Arcturis then begin taming.The hardest part about taming Arcturis is the competition and griefing that you’re liable to experience. Arcturis’ sole spawn location is in a very visible, high traffic area. Unfortunately, this can sometimes cause problems unless you happen upon him when no one else is around.

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Respawn Time for Arcturis

Arcturis is believed to be on a 10-12 hour respawn timer.

Loque’nahak <Mate of Har’koa>

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Level: 76

Found in: Sholazar Basin, Northrend

Loque’nahak has seven spawn locations throughout Sholazar Basin. Based upon my experiences and the comments left by other successful tamers, the locations where he seems to spawn most are: west of the Nesingwary Base Camp, the spot just west of Skyreach Pillar, and the two locations furthest east by the gorillas.

Loque’nahak Taming Strategy

Loque’nahak is an easy tame, requiring no special approach. Just place a Freezing Trap between you and Loque’nahak, then start taming. Loque’nahak will leap towards you, landing right in your Freezing Trap for an easy tame.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (5)

Loque’nahak Respawn Time

The general consensus is that Loque’nahak respawns about every 8-10 hours.


Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (6)

Level: 77

Found in: Zul’drak, Northrend

Gondria has five different spawn locations in Zul’drak. The places I’ve seen Gondria out the most are the two eastern spawn locations near the entrance to Grizzly Hills.

Gondria Taming Strategy

Gondria requires no special strategy apart from a Freezing Trap. Gondria is not immune to Freezing Traps, which makes this an easy to tame Spirit Beast.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (7)

Gondria Respawn Time

Gondria is believed to be on an 8-10 hour spawn timer.


Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (8)

Level: 80

Found in: Storm Peaks, Northrend

Skoll spawns in three different places in the Storm Peaks, and doesn’t seem to favor any particular one. The locations are: near the ‘gas cap’ above Brunnhildar Village, near the mouth of the cave at Snowdrift Plains, and on the snowdrift next to the frozen river at Bor’s Breath.

Skoll Taming Strategy

Drop a Freezing Trap, start taming, Skoll pounces and gets frozen, tame completes…you have a shiny new Spirit Beast!

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Skoll Respawn Time

Skoll seems to show up every 12 hours.


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Level: 85

Found in: Abyssal Depth, Vashj’ir

Ghostcrawler roams all over the Abyssal Depths. He can be somewhat difficult to pinpoint due his diminutive size and the fact that he tends to phase in and out on occasion. Once you are within range to target him, throw a Hunter’s Mark up to make locating him easier.

Ghostcrawler Taming Strategy

Ghostcrawler is immune to all crowd control spells, so you must withstand his attacks while taming. Ghostcrawler hits very hard and can flatten an unprepared level 85 with relative ease, but here are a few things you can do to make the tame go in your favor…

Use Deterrence at the start of the tame. Once you get within Tame Beast range, activate Deterrence and Tame Beast, or you can use this macro:

/cast Deterrence/cast Tame Beast

This will give you five seconds of damage-free taming.

In addition, try to equip items that have haste on them – especially one-use trinkets. Increasing your haste will reduce the cast time on Tame Beast, lessening the amount of time he has to hit you with his Nerfbat.

If you have a trinket that you can activate to grant you additional haste, then equip it in your bottom trinket slot and add it to the macro like this:

/use 14/cast Deterrence/cast Tame Beast

With enough haste, you can tame Ghostcrawler without sustaining much damage, if any.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (11)

Ghostcrawler Respawn Time

Ghostcrawler respawns approximately every 10-12 hours.

Karoma <The Wolf Spirit>

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (12)

Level: 85

Found in: Twilight Highlands, Eastern Kingdoms

Karoma can be found in one of a half dozen places in the Twilight Highlands.

Karoma Taming Strategy

Karoma is unique in the sense that he’s the only Spirit Beast that is hostile, as opposed to neutral like all of the other Spirit Beasts. This isn’t really that big of a deal, but it does mean that he will aggro if you get too close to him. As for how to successfully tame him… just drop a Freezing Trap in your Tame Beast path and that should do it.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (13)

Karoma Respawn Time

Karoma’s respawn rate seems to be around 6-8 hours.


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Level: 85

Found in: Mount Hyjal, Kalimdor

Ban’thalos can be found flying high above the Sanctuary of Malorne. In order to see Ban’thalos you must be in the same phase, which requires the completion of a series of quests that begins here.

Ban’thalos Taming Strategy

Taming Ban’thalos in the Legion era is much different than before, so unless you’restill playing a 4.0 version of WoW, please see this post instead.

Ban’thalos was introduced as one of the ‘Taming Challenge‘ pets in Patch 4.2, which means he most definitely requires a taming strategy. Ban’thalos must be aggro’d while airborne, and considering how high he flies, this means you need to survive the fall once you’ve gotten his attention. Also, he has an ability called Harsh Moonlight which hits very hard. Given these two dangers, the main trick to taming Ban’thalos is surviving.

The first step in the tame is to get his attention. This requires flying up to where he’s flapping about, dismounting and then shooting him. To start this process, it’s important to pick a location where the fall will be very short. I recommend starting at the top of the tallest tree within the circle of his patrol area. Once Ban’thalos starts to get close, place a Freezing Trap at the top of this tree, then mount and fly straight up – being careful not to accidentally move in any other direction apart from ‘straight up’, i.e., just use your spacebar.

When Ban’thalos is within range, dismount, shoot him, then pop Deterrence. This will have you falling to the top of the tree with Ban’thalos in pursuit. You’ll probably take a bit of fall damage, but Deterrence will at least protect you from his Harsh Moonlight. Once back atop the tree, start taming. Ban’thalos will pursue you – entering melee range and landing right in your Freezing Trap – allowing for a successful tame at that point.

For a more detailed look at this strategy – complete with pretty pictures – please refer to my Ban’thalos taming guide.

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Ban’thalos Respawn Time

Ban’thalos is believed to be on a 6-17 hour spawn timer, along with the other Spirit Beasts introduced in Patch 4.2: Ankha and Magria. They are not linked, however.


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Level: 85

Found in: Mount Hyjal, Kalimdor

Ankha can be found patrolling through The Regrowth area in Mount Hyjal. Taming Ankha also requires that you be in the proper phase of Mount Hyjal – same as with Ban’thalos and Magria.

Ankha Taming Strategy

Ankha is another ‘Taming Challenge’ pet, so hunters need to approach this kitty with a plan. However… the trick to taming this Spirit Beast is pretty simple…get naked. That’s right… you need to take off all your armor before you try to tame this cat. Ankha has a Spirit Claw attack which scales off enemy armor, so be sure to remove any and all pieces of gear that provide armor. Even 1 point of armor will result in this cat one-shotting you. Once you’ve stripped off all of your armor, this beast hits like a kitten – allowing for an easy tame.

Also note that Ankha is immune to Freezing Trap, as well as all forms of crowd control, so don’t even try.

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Ankha Respawn Time

Ankha has the same 6-17 hour respawn timer as that of Ban’thalos and Magria. Ankha and Magria are linked, however. When one is tamed or killed, one or the other will respawn within 6-17 hours.


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Level: 85

Found in: Mount Hyjal, Kalimdor

Magria shares an alternating spawn time and location with Ankha. This Spirit Beast is also found patrolling within The Regrowth of Mount Hyjal.

Magria Taming Strategy

The strategy for taming Magria is identical to the one used for Ankha. Take off all of your armor, then begin taming. Ankha and Magria are identical in every way apart from their looks. Ankha is a ghostly white and Magria a spectral blue. Both cats lurk in the same area but are never found out at the same time — it’s always one or the other.

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Magria Respawn Time

Magria is on a 6-17 hour respawn timer that’s shared with Ankha.


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Level: 90

Found in: The Jade Forest, Pandaria

Hutia spawns in a single location, SE of the Tian Monastery, and does not move an inch.

Hutia Taming Strategy

Like the Spirit Beasts introduced in Cataclysm, Hutia is another in the tradition of Spirit Beast taming Challenges; however, Hutia is the easiest to tame of the 3 new SBs in MoP. You simply need to play ring around the rosies for awhile, making sure to prevent him from healing, while burning him down to within taming range. Read on…

Necessary talents for this Tame: None

Recommended talents:

  • Exhilaration – In case you need a heal.
  • Thrill of the Hunt – Arcane Shot will be heavily relied upon.
  • A Murder of Crows – Some extra DPS.
  • Glaive Toss – Another slow.

Necessary glyphs:Glyph of Tame Beast

The kiting strategy is pretty simple and straightforward…

  • Stay out of melee range.
  • Keep Hutia slowed.
  • Interrupt Spirit Heal when it is cast.
  • Burn Hutia down until Strong Will falls off (20%).
  • Tame Beast
  • Cheer!

Hutia hits very hard and can take you down within about 2-3 whacks, so you’ll want to maintain a safe distance. The good news is, Hutia is susceptible to snares and slows (but not Freezing Trap), so kiting this porcupine is easy. Best way to go about this is to keep going around and around the log, hitting Hutia with Concussive Shot, Glaive Toss, an occasional Ice Trap, etc… I recommend using Aspect of the Hawk for this fight (as opposed to Cheetah) for the added DPS, since Hutia is not particularly fast, plus you can maintain slows on him.

Don’t bother keeping your pet out for this fight, hoping to help with the DPS, then planning to dismiss it while Hutia is a safe distance away. Hutia will pimp slap your pet into oblivion the second it’s within melee range. Start the fight petless…trust me.

It might be a good idea to clear a few of the nearby neutral porcupines out so that you don’t make them angry with your Glaives or AoE trap, distracting you from the business at hand.

Apart from keeping out of melee range and DPS’ing Hutia down to the 20% health taming range, the only other thing to worry about is interrupting Hutia’s Spirit Heal. Luckily, Hutia casts this spell at pretty regular intervals, and it’s typically just after the Silencing Shot cooldown is up, so it’s easy to prevent. Occasionally, Hutia may attempt to cast the heal before the CD has finished, in which case you can hit him with a Scatter Shot.

I found a good way to handle the kiting strategy was to maintain decent range from Hutia, apart from the last 4-6 seconds when Silencing Shot was about to come off cooldown. That way I’d be able to close quick for a clutch Scatter Shot in case Hutia tried to cast the heal before SilShot was available. As long as Silencing Shot is off cooldown, just stay at max range and keep on with the slows and pew-pew.

When Kill Shot becomes available you’ll know that Strong Will has fallen off and Hutia is ready for taming. You can’t freeze Hutia, so you’ll need to be sure he’s slowed and a good distance away when you start the tame. Make sure you’ve got the Glyph of Tame Beast in order to speed up the cast time. For added insurance you can macro in Deterrence with Tame Beast, like this:

/cast Deterrence/cast Tame Beast

In fact, you should use that macro whenever you’re attempting to tame any of these new porcupine Spirit Beasts.

If you don’t know what the hell a macro is, then check out this page.

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Hutia Respawn Time

Hutia respawns within about 10 minutes, so there’s no need to camp this one.


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Level: 90

Found in: Valley of the Four Winds, Pandaria

Degu can be found roaming along the rock pathway on the southern central border of the Valley of the Four Winds, at the base of the cliff.

Degu also possesses the Strong Will buff, which means you need to get him to 20% before he’s tamable. The trick with this taming challenge is that you need to maintain close range with him while kiting. Get too close and he’ll chomp you to bits; stray too far and he’ll nuke you with his ranged attack.

Necessary talents for this tame: None

Recommended talents:

Just as with Hutia, I recommend the following talents for this tame…

  • Exhilaration – In case you need a heal.
  • Thrill of the Hunt – Free Arcane Shots!
  • A Murder of Crows – Open with this spell for some extra DPS since you won’t have a pet out.
  • Glaive Toss – Keep him slowed.

Necessary glyphs:Glyph of Tame Beast

How you do it in a nutshell…

  • Keep within 10-15 yards of Degu while kiting him.
  • Keep Degu slowed.
  • Fear his melee attack, but fear his ranged attack even more.
  • If you step outside of the dead zone and see him starting to cast Barbed Needle, quickly run back towards him.
  • Burn Hutia down untilStrong Willfalls off (20%).
  • Make sure he’s slowed, then Tame Beast & Deterrence
  • Name your new pet!

Degu can prove to be a pretty good challenge, especially since the taming strategy involves some unorthodox tactics. Degu has a very strong melee attack, like Hutia’s, which you’ll want to avoid, but more importantly, he can cast an ability called Barbed Needle which does damage equal to 50% of your health – meaning it will 2 shot most everyone, apart from Tauren & Night Elves (due to Nature Resistance).

Degu will attempt to cast Barbed Needle anytime you are further than 15 yards from him, so in order to avoid his melee attacks and Barbed Needle, you must kite him within a 10-15 yard “dead zone”. This is similar to how hunters used to have to handle warriors back when they had Intercept, and Charge was not usable in combat. Nowadays it’s a tactic that’s seldom used, and one that’s a bit hard to get used to.

Degu is not immune to snares, so you’ll want to keep him slowed. Try and lay an Ice Trap whenever it’s off cooldown, and use Concussive Shot on him as much as possible. Glaives are obviously a good idea as well. Maintaining the proper range is easier to do when the kiting is slowed down a bit. For this reason, Aspect of the Hawk will be what you want. Cheetah is not really a good idea for this tame since control is much more important than speed, not to mention the added DPS will help tremendously.

Main things to remember while kiting him are: just be cool and don’t panic. Take it slow and don’t be in a rush to burn him down. Sure, you want to be mashing your Arcane Shot and Concussive Shot buttons, but concentrate on your range.

Better living through addons…

To make this tame go a little smoother, I recommend using an addon called RangeDisplay. It’s a very simple little addon that I’ve been using since TBC, which offers a configurable display for your target’s range. For this tame, I blew the numbers up nice and big, then set the text to show as red if I was less than 10 yards away or further than 15, and green if I was 10-15 yards from Degu. If I kept the numbers green, then I was doing it right.

Degu is very sneaky and will occasionally stop, as if to begin his cast of Barbed Needle, so be careful to keep pace with him. The pre-tame burn-down requires a lot of stutter stepping. If you do happen to get outside the 15 yard range and he begins his cast, just run back into the “safe zone” and the cast will cancel. This can be really tricky because I’d found that sometimes it seemed he would finish casting Barbed Needle even if I’d returned within the dead zone, when the cast timer was almost up. Because of this, it’s important you stay close and run towards him as soon as possible if you see him start to cast. I repeat, he is very sneaky and will often fool you into moving outside of his range by stopping intermittently.


The kiting area is sloped and near a cliff wall, and there are a few spots with huge boulders you have to navigate around. These things can make the kiting a bit more of a challenge by screwing with your camera angle, not to mention the obstacles you have to skirt around. I’ll be honest…I tried several times to tame this f**ker along his path, but to no avail. Then I had the bright idea of kiting him off of his path and onto the flat road that leads away near the center of his route. The first time I did this…Bam!

It’s much easier to monitor the distance when you have less terrain issues to deal with.

There is a stealthed cat that hangs out in the center portion of his pathing zone. Be sure to hunt it down and kill it. I’m pretty sure this mob is there by design, because if you happen to try kiting Degu through this area while the cat is out, it will jam you up because it will hit you with a slow, allowing Degu to roll up on you and eat you.

Once you get Degu’s health down within taming range (again…20%) and you see Kill Shot is ready, start taming. It is absolutely necessary that you use the Deterrence / Tame Beast macro for this tame or he will smash your face in. Refer to the Hutia guide above for the macro information, and if you need to know how to create a macro, please visit this page.

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Degu Respawn Time

Degu also respawns within about 10 minutes.


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Level: 90

Found in: Kun-Lai Summit, Pandaria

Gumi sits like a statue on a snowy slope right above One Keg. He does not move at all, so he’s easy to spot.

Gumi Taming Strategy

Of the three new porcupine Spirit Beast taming challenges, Gumi is arguably the most difficult. Although the concept of the pre-tame is quite simple – stay as far away from him as possible while burning him down to 20% – executing it is another story. Reason being, Gumi is very fast -and- lethal within melee range. The tiniest mistake can cost you a successful tame.

Necessary talents for this tame:

  • Posthaste – You’ll want the added speed buff.
  • Exhilaration – If he does manage to get close and bite you -and you can manage to escape death- this heal could make the difference between success and failure.
  • Glaive Toss – The extra ranged slow and DPS is a huge asset.

Recommended talents:

Just as with Hutia, I recommend the following talents for this tame…

  • Thrill of the Hunt – A great talent for long sustained focus, which you’ll need in order to get off all those Arcane Shots.
  • A Murder of Crows – Some extra deeps you can cast on the run.

Necessary glyphs:

  • Pathfinding – Did I mention he was fast? You’re going to need the little speed boost while in Aspect of the Cheetah.
  • Glyph of Tame Beast– When the time comes, you’re going to want the tame to happen as quickly as possible.

Prepare to use your über kiting skills

  • Dismiss your current pet.
  • Get in Aspect of the Cheetah.
  • Place some traps in front of where he’s sitting (Ice/Explosive/Snake).
  • Pull him with Serpent Sting and Disengage back towards the road.
  • Cast Murder of Crows.
  • Run like the wind.
  • Stay on the path headed for Shado-Pan Monastery.
  • Fire Concussive Shot at him whenever it’s off cooldown.
  • Keep Serpent Sting up on him at all times.
  • Jump Shot + Arcane is what you’ll be doing 75% of the time.
  • Use Glaives when available.
  • He is a cheating ass who will take shortcuts, so only use traps on him when you’re on a straightaway and you know he will run through them.
  • When the time comes that he becomes tamable, make sure you’re at max range, lay an Ice Trap, Conc Shot him, then Tame Beast + Deterrence.
  • Hope for the best.

Although Gumi probably poses the greatest taming challenge out of all the new MoP porcupine Spirit Beasts, I consider this tame to be only marginally more difficult than the Degu tame. What makes this tame difficult is the fast pace, and the fact that Gumi will probably kill you if he gets close. He hits way harder than the other two porcupines, plus he dazes you – making it harder to get away from him once he closes.

However, as long as you keep him slowed and far away, the only hard part left is the actual tame itself. Again, this tame is another matter of keeping a cool head. As long as you keep Serpent Sting applied and keep him slowed, you’re good. Even if you occasionally get too far from him, just keep running…he will catch up. 😉 Just make sure you don’t get so far from him that you stop DPS for several seconds, or else he’ll reset.

I’ve tamed him twice and this is what worked for me…

Before you pull him, drop all three of your traps in front of where he’s sitting so that he crosses over them after you’ve pulled. Open with Serpent Sting, Concussive Shot & Murder of Crows, while Disengaging back towards the road. You’ll need to jump-shot kite him all the way to Shado-Pan Monastery and then some, so prepare you’re mousing hand.

Arcane, Arcane, Concussive…will be your main rotation, making sure Serpent Sting stays up, then casting Glaives when they’re available. Drop Ice and AoE traps when you can, and Disengage away from him when he gets too close for comfort. Honestly, that is pretty much all there is too it.

The trickiest parts are when you’ll likely need to turn around at the monastery to head back the way you came, along with the moment when you actually go to tame him. The first time I tamed him proved to be very difficult because my gear was crap at the time, and I had to kite him a good ways before I’d damaged him enough to remove Strong Will. Later on when my gear was less crap, I didn’t have to kite him quite as far, but it was still required that I turn around at the monastery and kite him back down the road a ways before he was ready.

Turning around at the monastery is a bit tricky, but with a well positioned and well timed Ice Trap + Disengage (w/ Posthaste), followed by Glaives or a Conc Shot, you can escape danger and make your way back to the road pretty easily.

Once you’ve worn him down to within taming range, make sure you are at max range with an Ice Trap between you and him, Conc Shot him and then hit your Tame Beast + Deterrence macro.

/cast Deterrence/cast Tame Beast

The main thing with this tame is prep. Make sure you have your talents and glyphs dialed in, then familiarize yourself with the kiting route. As long as you stick to the strat and don’t develop carpal tunnel during the kitefest, you should be fine.

Good luck!

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Gumi Respawn Time

Along with all of the new Mists of Pandaria Spirit Beasts, Gumi has a respawn rate of about 10 minutes. If you don’t see him when you get there, then he’s likely just been tamed, so hang out for a few…he’ll be right back.


Level: 90

Found in:The Burial Fields, Shadowmoon Valley

Gara is a Spirit Beast with an amazing Void Wolf appearance who can be tamedas a quest chain reward. Similar to the Pandaria Spirit Beasts, Gara is not a rare spawn, but more of a taming challenge. This time, however, it’s more an exercise in patience rather than a test of skill. Taming Gara requires no special techniques; it just requires a relatively lengthy scavenger hunt quest.

Gara Taming Strategy

There are no special mechanics involved with this tame, so it’s a pretty straightforward process once you finish the quest and go to tame her. If you want to make a challenge out of it, you could try soloing the quest and taming her as close to level 90 as possible. Once you reach the end of the quest chain, the mobs you’ll have to deal with can be a real challenge for lower level characters. Soloing this at 90 or 91 would grant you this cool new pet skin early on, plus you’d have some bragging rights over the hunters who tackled it at level 100.

Gara Taming Infographic

Here’s a Draenor map infographic I put together which shows all of the locations and steps involved in the Gara taming quest.

The only other thing of note is that you’ll want to be fairly hasty with the tame once Gara becomes tamable. Once you’ve completed the quest chain and she becomes tamable, take a few screenshots, message your friends or whatever, but don’t lollygag too much. Gara is only available for a short time at the end of the quest, then she’s gone.

However…if for whatever reason the tame gets botched due to your internet going down, etc…you can always go back into the void realm where the quest ends and tame an identical Void Wolf.

Depending on your level, and the amount of flight points you have, I’d estimate the Gara quest chain to take probably between 1 to 3 hours. Lower level toons will have the hardest time due to aggro radius and lack of flight points, but it’s still a very fun endeavor.

Lightning Paw

Lightning Paw is a rare spectral fox Spirit Beast found in Duskwood. Lightning Paw spawns within the bushes with the glowing eyes.

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This Spirit Beast has multiple spawn locations within Duskwood, but most of its confirmed spawn points are located near Raven Hill Cemetery. I tamed Lightning Paw just SE of Addle’s Stead and my son tamed him west of Raven Hill. While there may be more than 5 spawn points for Lightning Paw, the ones listed here are the only locations I can confirm.

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Lost Spectral Gryphon

The Lost Spectral Gryphon is summoned via a rare spawn item called the Spectral Feather which appears near the flight master in Stormwind. The Spectral Feather is only visible to Beast Mastery hunters, and when clicked, will summon the Lost Spectral Gryphon.

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There is no special trick to taming this pet if you’re an alliance Beast Mastery hunter. If you’re horde, then you’re in for a bit of a struggle. Blizzard put the spawn location near a high traffic location in Stormwind, meaning you may need to be prepared for some corpse runs.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (37)


Gon is a rare spawn spectral raptor found in the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar. He is summoned through a rare spawn item called Spectral Eggshell which is found at the base of a pile of flaming skulls. Like the Spectral Feather, the Spectral Feather is only visible to Beast Mastery Hunters. When clicked, the Spectral Eggshell will summon Gon.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (41)

Similar to the Lost Spectral Gryphon, there is no strategy required for this tame unless you are an alliance hunter. While not as difficult for alliance as the Lost Spectral Gryphon is for horde, this is still going to be a bit of a taming challenge due to the spawn timer. Night Elves will have an easier time due to Shadowmeld, but it’s still going to be one of the more challenging tames for an Alliance player.

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (42)

Spirit Beast Taming Guide - Spirit Beast Spawn Location Maps (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.